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The cool breeze of the glade brushed my hair past my ears as I sat on the porch of the homestead. Newt sat to my left, worrying about the same thing as me. We could hear yelling through the thin walls so we knew it would be good. Alby was yelling at Gally for everything he has done to me for the past year. Even though the words were muffled, it was still very loud.

"It'll be alright love."

Newt broke the silence. God I hope it'll be okay. If Gally doesn't get banished I'll be pissed.

"That's it! I'm calling a gathering!"

Alby yelled as he walked out of the homestead with, well everyone following behind.

"Everyone, comes to the gathering, not just the keepers! Everyone must be ready in 10 seconds or so help me God!"

Alby yelled, louder than I've ever heard him. Newt and I stood up and started walking towards the meeting. We were both tense not knowing the outcome of Gally. We walked into the building, that ironically, Gally built. All the keepers were sitting on chairs towards the front of the room while I took a seat in the back. Then Ably started

"We are here today as one of our gladers, our people, has been abusing another glader for over a year. Not just bullying or being rude, but physically, mentally and emotionally Abusing our glader."

Alby stopped and looked around the room. Everyone was confused and looking at each other while Gally was looking straight at me. Alby started again

"August, would you please bring your chair up here and uh, sit next to Newt."

Some people gasped while everyone stared, as I carried my chair up and sat next to Newt. Alby started to speak again

"August has done nothing wrong. She has followed, Every One of our rules better than all you shanks. August, one of our hardest working glader, has been abused by Gally for the past YEAR!"

Alby's voice was raised by the time he got to the end of his sentence.

"Okay now. We will not vote, as I will not have this outcome any other way. We will Banish Gally tonight when the doors close."

The croud errupted in a chorus of cheers, boos, yelling, and complaints.

"Banish him!"

"We need a builder!"

"He's a keeper though!"

"I never liked you jackass Gally!"

"August looks fine, he's not doing anything!"

Alby looked at me with sad eyes, then spoke to me.


I looked up.

"August show them"

I froze as I realized what Alby had just asked. Before I knew it i was standing next to him with Newt by my side. Newt slowly rolled up my sleeves to show everyone my scars. There were gasps and more yelling. I just kept my head down, wishing this would all just end!

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