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We were both so quiet.

"August, love, why are you doing this?"

I then managed to tell him everything about Gally and when this started. After a long time, we decided to go tell Alby.

Walking up to the homestead, I was nervous. I was sweating. I couldn't believe I was doing this.

We walked through the doors and most of the people stopped to look at us. My eyes were puffy along with my red nose and cheeks. I glanced up to see people staring, confused, worried. But then my eyes landed on one person in particular, Gally. His eyes, the big bully Gally who is a toughy, looked absolutely terrified.

I couldn't tell Alby, so Newt ended up doing so. When Newt was almost done talking with Alby, he spoke to me in a comforting tone

"August, show him."

I lifted my head and stared at Newt with wide eyes. I guess my fear was showing as he put one hand on my shoulder and grabbed my wrists with the other. Slowly, he rolled up my sleeves and revealed my fresh and old cuts to Alby. Alby gasped, but looked so sad. The leader who made everyone think he felt nothing, had glassy eyes. Then he spoke as confidently as he could, but it showed he was struggling

"So uh. Newt, you got this under control?"

Newt nodded enthusiastically.

"Alright then. Newt go bring August to bed and send Gally up on your way out. Thanks."

We walked out of Alby's room and downstairs. Everyone was still staring from where we left. The Newt spoke, I never thought I would feel so relieved to hear this

"Gally, Alby needs to see you."

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