Chapter IV: A Simpler Life Part II

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Velvet opened the door to the Tranquil Woods. The forest was in the same shape as the Morgana Woods, but not as severe. There were blocks of dried up farming lands along the road to the coast. The pair continued their path into the wilderness. However, Avernus was lost deep in his thoughts. The village elder's warning about the Empyreans and the shrine of tranquility, the earthpulse points, and the hidden temple, all led to the evidence of an old and ancient power that was buried somewhere in this land.

Velvet pointed to the cornfields, "Laphicet and I used to play in these fields all the time."

Avernus shook his head, "It's a shame to see these fields in such a state. I guess the fate of the Tranquil Woods is not far from the Morgana Woods. We need to find a solution or else the whole world will end up like this."

Avernus paused for a moment. He remembered Arthur's knowledge and power to tether and converse with malakhim and decided to gather more information about him.

"Velvet, I have a question about Arthur. Is he... from around here?"

"Actually, no. Why do you ask?", wondered Velvet.

"Well, it's pretty obvious... but what's his story? I'm sorry If I'm digging too much. I'm new to Midgand, so I don't know much about this continent."

"It's alright.", Velvet giggled, "It's funny to see you so apologetic. Kind of not so... you."

"What are you saying? That I don't mean what I say?"

"No! I mean that you resemble someone who's... strong like Arthur. But when you apologize, it seems to be out of your character."

"Hah... I think I'll take that as a compliment. So back to our original topic; Arthur."

"Oh, right. Well, seven years ago, my sister Celica found him outside the village in the Morgana Woods and offered him a place to stay in our village... Exactly like what happened with you..." Suddenly she paused. Her stare was locked onto the distance. She muttered something, "Just... like... you."

"Hmm? Sorry, I didn't catch that last part."

Velvet violently shook her head to clear her mind.

"No! It's nothing!", Velvet took a deep breath and continued, "Celica took care of Arthur, and he decided to stay with us. Eventually, they fell in love, got married and wanted to have a child together. But... you know what happened after that..."

"He didn't want to leave? Didn't he want to go back to where he came from? He didn't have any family or friends to return to?"

Velvet's face scrunched in annoyance, "What?! No! Of course not! He couldn't leave us! We are his family!", Velvet said, annoyed.

Avernus waved his hands defensively, "Okay, don't get angry. I meant no disrespect, Velvet. I'm sorry,"

Velvet quickly smirked, "There's that face again!"

Avernus frowned and huffed. He was being teased by Velvet, but Avernus would have his comeback.

After a few minutes, they moved further into the forest. Crossing a small wooden bridge that was over a stream, Velvet pointed out a clearing along the path.

"That area looks promising, Avernus."

"Well, let's find these poor Prickleboars.", Avernus said, probing the path as they walked down the small areas between the trees.

Velvet suddenly pointed out to a single fuzzy creature further away and shouted, "There! Prickleboar!" She then immediately charged the animal. "Stay here, Avernus. I'll take care of this one!"

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