Chapter XLI: The Stage of Apocalypse

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Palmiers For a Sister: Two days ago, Van Eltia

Eizen carefully stepped towards his little sister. He shot a sad smile at Edna. "How're you holding up? That was a lot for you to take in, and I've already trapped you in my misfortune." Eizen said, glaring worryingly at the little malak.

Edna drew back, squeezing the handle of her umbrella. Her blue, glistening gaze shifted between Eizen's eyes. For a moment, she seemed poised to speak. Then she shook her head. "I'm wonderful." Edna paused. Words died in her mouth afterward. Not because of lack of intentions, but her overwhelming emotions barred her from conjuring her feelings into words. Edna gritted her jaw.

Eizen glanced over towards the ocean. "My curse put you in constant danger. You know how it is."

Edna tried to swallow the knot in her throat. She was helpless in showing Eizen that how much she wanted to stay with her brother. "I know..."

"I'll stay on the other side of the ship until we reach Taliesin, but it's too dangerous for you to be around me for long," Eizen informed her, glaring at Edna, waiting for her confirmation.

Edna remained silent.

Eizen let out a stifled breath. "This is for your safety. You do understand that, right?"

Edna seemed to be about bursting into a cry. "I do..."

Eizen turned on his heels. "Good. Then farewell."

As Eizen marched towards the other side of Van Elta, Velvet and Laphicet stepped closer to Edna. The little earth malak turned slowly towards them. "What do you want?"

Velvet stood in front of Edna. "Is there anything you want us to say to your brother?

"No." She answered in a harsh and rude tone.

Velvet remained calm, tipping her head to the side. "Every younger sibling has something they wish to say to their elder. It doesn't matter whether they're sisters or brothers. So I'm asking again: are you certain you don't want us to deliver him a message?"

Edna raised her eyes, meeting Velvet's gaze. "But every older sibling reacts to their younger siblings with worry. I don't want to say anything at all. Sometimes it's better this way." She turned and slowly walked to a secluded area on the back of the ship.

Velvet and Laphicet glance at each other, and with a nod, they went to Eizen.

"You could spend more time with your sister." Velvet blatantly said to him.

"I did enough. There was no need to push the matter." Eizen replied, narrowing his brows.

Laphcet moved closer. "What if she wants to be with you? I doubt anything can happen with us around."

Eizen sighed uncaringly. "I would still leave her behind. Your domains won't win against my misfortune and misery."

Laphicet dropped his head. "But to finally meet her, then just leaving after barely exchanging a single word...."

Eizen crossed his arms over his chest. "Why is it important? Anything I say will come off as an excuse. Besides, I prefer to be in touch through letters. Emotions get in the way when speaking face to face." Eizen focused on Laphicet as he raised his head. "I'm no fool, Laphicet. I know what she wants. I would happily grant it if I could. But there's no avoiding the reaper's curse, and I'll not leave her clinging to something that can never be."

Velvet gently patted Laphicet's shoulder. "Phi is right. We all feel this reunion has been a long time coming. Even if it is a short-lived one, couldn't you do something for your sister?"

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