Chapter XXXVIII: Season of the Reaper - Part II

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Flash forward, one thousand years later, the lake at Tintagel Ruins near Lastonbell, the continent of Glenwood

Late at night, Sorey stepped into the cold water of the nearby lake. Lailah released a set of papers. They levitated and formed a circle above Sorey's head. Lailah set them ablaze with a snap, and they rotated, turning into a ring of fire.

"Hate, pain, rage. Malevolence is shapeless and endless. But, the emotions that drive it are genuine indeed." Lailah recanted.

Sorey closed his eyes and focused inward.

"There are many shapes of purification, and now, I will accept all malevolence into myself and forge forgiveness."

"If you're aware of sounds, sensations, anything outside of your purpose, don't let them distract you," said Lailah.

The ring of fire accelerated. Sorey took a long, slow breath, focusing on the tint of the back of his eyelids as the light of burning ring shone on it and the refreshing feeling of the lake's air entering his nostrils as he inhaled it.

Suddenly, the ring of fire collapsed on him, but Sorey instantly pulled his sword and slashed it away at it, forcing the flying flames to retreat. He opened his eyes as the glows turned into silhouettes of two snake-looking dragons and sank into the lake. The fire serpents circularly danced around his legs.

Then, Mikleo approached Sorey from the dark shadows of the forest. "Malevolence contains contradictions, and fissures create darkness." He gestured at the lake. "Water, our mother!"

The lake's surface rumbled with activity, and a pair of water dragons soared to the sky. Lailah waved her hand. "Fire, our life."

With her command, the two fire serpents darted out of the lake and joined their counterparts in a Mobius dance.

Sorey welcomed the heat of the fire on his skin, feeling it sinking in and warming him further. At the same time, the freshness of water mixed with the warmth of the fire resulted in a responding pulse of light that started glowing from deep inside of him.

"Fire, burning inside water. Fire in water... A contradiction."

Sorey shut his eyes. The elements hung around him as if they were trying to force themselves through his skin and overpower him. He resisted their push and opened his eyes.

Cold sweat formed on Sorey's forehead as he laid eyes upon a towering, dark monstrous figure in front of him. The shadowy shape opened its claws and sent a corrupted wind at Sorey. It buffeted the Shepherd and made him flinch. The gale threw him into the water, and the elemental serpents crashed into the lake.

Near the shore, Edna, the earth Seraph, opened her umbrella cold-heartedly as the water rained down on her. "We still got a little work to do. He's not ready yet."

Water-soaked, Sorey crawled out of the water. "I'm sorry, guys..."

Lailah stared gloomily at the moon. "Don't push yourself too hard, Sorey."

"I know, but I need to get stronger, I...."

Lailah slowly turned to him. "Answer me this, Sorey: When you've sacrificed everything you had for a world you care so much and, in turn, becomes a perfect, cold, hard, logical shell of a person, and that person fails...." She fully turned to the Shepherd. "What happens then?"

Sorey slowly shook his head. But abruptly, they heard someone clapping.

"Impressive, Sir Shepherd. At least you're doing better than me."

Their eyes shifted to Rose as she applauded Sorey. In their recent battle against a seraph-turned hellion, she was knocked out unconscious. Sorey beamed. "Rose, you're awake!"

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