Chapter XXXIII: A Broken Heart

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Maxwell Inn, Glenwood, Flashforward one thousand years later

"Big weapons are the coolest!"

Shepherd Sorey yelled childishly at his companions. His green eyes flickered at the exciting thoughts of greatswords, longbows, and great axes.

Dezel, the tall, tanned-skinned wind seraph, whined, slightly repositioning his black top hat, "It's not the size that matters, kid. It's how you use it."

Zaveid, feeling challenged, turned his back at Dezel, crossing his arms, "Shows what you know. The real strength of a weapon lies in how badass it looks."

Mikleo, the silvered hair water seraph, folded his arms in defiance. He glanced skeptically at the shirtless seraph, "I question that logic, Zaveid."

Sorey, not paying any attention to their argument, continued with his prolix fuss, "If weapons could, like, change shape? That's even sweeter!"

Zaveid's eyelids darted to the top and bottom as he remembered something from the corner of his vast ocean of memory.

Mikleo looked even more annoyed, "Transforming weaponry? What would that even look like?"

"You know! Like, when you're near an enemy, it's a sword, but when they run away, it turns into something like Siegfried!" Sorey answered thoughtfully.

Mikleo dived into his mind to digest the notion. The explanation didn't feel alien to him at least, "You mean Zaveid's Siegfried weapon? I suppose that might work. Maybe..."

Dezel was irritated even further. Those kids maintained their resistance against what he called logic, "Why transform it? Why not just carry both of them?"

Their ignorance finally forced Zaveid to talk his mind, "That's because you're hung up on weapons, Mickey-boy. Think about it... like a badass staff; when you need magic, it shoots thunder and crystalized artes. In close combat, blades conjure on both sides, like a Scythe! You can even throw it, and it will cut anything in its path...."

The others were staring at Zaveid as if it wasn't right in the head.

"... or even turn into a longbow for faraway targets! Do you see it? An all-out tool for every occasion and fighting style." His speech ended like a merchant desiring to sell his loot.

Mikleo narrowed his eyes at Zaveid. He seemed too all-knowing, "You're talking about it like you already saw that weapon."

Zaveid lifted his chest, looking proud, "I've seen it. However, its downside was... it didn't turn into a spoon."

"Why spoon?" Mikleo asked, letting go of his arms.

Zaveid's mouth turned into a wide grin, "To eat curry and stuff. You don't know what spoon is for?"

Dezel and Mikleo both groaned in frustration, but Sorey was fascinated with Zaveid's description of that sceptre. His eyes shone with the joy of knowing more, "Could the weapon turn, you know, into a sword, open up and ate the enemies?!"

Zaveid smirked, "It finally did turn into a sword, although not by magical means or anything."

Sorey's eagerness to learn was unrivalled as he relentlessly bombarded Zaveid with more questions, "Who was the wielder? Who has the weapon now?!"

For a moment, the smile dried on Zaveid's face. Poor boy didn't know what exactly the sword was that he pulled out of stone or its history. But in a flash, Zaveid recalled an image of a Shepherd that went far and beyond for his friends once upon a time. The arrogant smirk came back,

"My good old buddy, Aver—"


Out of nowhere, Lailah, the silvered-haired fire seraph, appeared out of her orb in front of Zaveid. He nearly jolted to the back. Zaveid felt her burning fire magic radiated for a second. Lailah pulled a deck of cards from her purse. "Did you say: Avert the disaster? You can always do some fortune telling!"

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