Chapter XXIV: The Drunken Shepherd

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The dawn had come. Van Eltia entered the Zekson waters after a week-long voyage from the Southgand. A week full of early-morning training sessions for Laphicet and Eleanor. Avernus obligated himself to instruct Eleanor in mastering her pact-holding expertise and her fighting efficiency. With the help of the newly found daemon-infested Islands, Eleanor and the rest of the team managed to take her mastery to another level.

For Laphicet, everyone pushed him to fight stronger enemies. He learned his lessons very quickly and effectively. But nobody was surprised. Laphicet established himself as one of the best party members the Van Eltia pirates had to offer. Keeping up with them in combat was no small feat.

Avernus eyes were concentrated on the shore. He was reflecting on some of the past events that unfolded during the last week.

Lucian accelerated the process of turning people into therions. The visions shown to him at the Palamedes, and the Amenoch relic bestowed upon him in surprise, weighed heavily on his spirit.

More responsibilities, more questions, and more problems.

But alongside the rest of the team, Avernus was already occupied with Laphicet and Eleanor's drills, so those thoughts bothered him even less. On one afternoon, Kurogane came to him and handed the enhanced blade Avernus ordered him to forge for Velvet from the schematics he had found in Palamedes. Avernus thought that it was the best excuse for them to reconnect.

Avernus waited patiently for Velvet, and he saw her coming out of the crew quarters. He quickly but anonymously walked towards her, giving her little time to run away if she ever decided to do that.

"Hey, Velvet. Here's the new blade I was telling you about." Avernus presented the weapon.

Velvet noticed an arrogant smile on his face as Avernus approached with a shiny new blade, carefully wrapped up in a cloth. Velvet took the blade and examined it.

Avernus took advantage of her distraction and grabbed her arm. She quickly glanced at him with a disapproving look. Avernus continued as if he didn't care about his intrusion and proceeded to fumble with her wrist blade. "Don't overthink about it, Velvet. I'm detaching the old one from your wrist."

The old blade came out, and Velvet placed the new one herself. She began to sheath and unsheath it multiple times. A very unnoticeable grin formed on her face. The blade felt faster to handle and quicker to move around.

"I also enhanced its properties upon what Kurogane had already implemented. I call it 'Maw of the Viper.'" Avernus said.

"It's a good weapon." Velvet looked at him and noticed his happy face. "Thanks," she said. They stared at each other for a few more seconds.

"Maybe we can have a practice session tomorrow morning. I'm giving Eleanor and Laphicet a day off. Tia and I were hard on them for the past few days. Even harder than Eizen and Rokurou. They deserve some rest."

"What about you? Don't you want to relax tomorrow?" Velvet, already softened, was not against the idea.

"Oh boy, you don't know how much I need a rest, and my body is beaten. But if Lucian is still alive, he's going to plan some counters to yours and Rokurou's moves. I need you to fight me so I can predict what kind of artes and magic he's going to use against us."

Lucian fought Velvet without his catalysts. Although she was a masterful fighter and Velvet learned a lot during their travels, the concern of dealing with him again never escaped Avernus's mind.

To Velvet, that was nothing but an excuse to spend more time with each other. It wasn't hard to read his true intentions. Did she want that too?

Avernus knew the extent of her understanding. If Velvet wasn't interested in small talks or didn't want to be alone with him, she might end up agreeing to do some sparring.

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