Chapter VI: A Stolen Happiness

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The house was in total silence, with the occasional coughing from Laphicet. His head was down, looking at something in his hand. Avernus brought him a glass of water, but Laphicet was reluctant to look him in the eye. Avernus crouched down to match Laphicet's height.

"Here, drink this."

To his surprise, Avernus' voice was calm and not angry anymore. Laphicet slowly raised his head and met his gaze. Avernus had a slight smile on this face. Laphicet slowly nodded his head and took the glass of water.

Avernus noticed the item in his hand. "A hair comb? Oh, so that's why you needed the money.", he observed.

Laphicet's eyes widened in shock. He was drinking the water, and all of a sudden, he started choking. Avernus gave him a back blow, which nearly made Laphicet fall from the chair. Afterward, he looked at Avernus with a guilt-ridden look. The sorcerer smiled at him again. The boy seemed so pure and innocent.

"Don't worry, buddy. It's a very thoughtful gift. I'm proud of you. Going all out to show your appreciation, that's what a real man would do." Avernus then proceeds to pamper Laphicet's head.

Suddenly the front door opened, and Arthur walked into the house.

"Laphicet, are you okay?", Arthur hastily asked. Laphicet slowly nodded. Arthur turned to look at him with a fit of slight anger in his eyes.

"You were supposed to watch him.", Arthur reminded him with a scolding tone.

Before Avernus could answer, Laphicet quickly jumped in, "Avernus had nothing to do with it. I wanted to go to the cape alone. That was my own decision."

Arthur closed his eyes and shook his head, "You know how important you are, Laphicet."

Avernus narrowed his eyes at Arthur. He didn't ask about Velvet's condition.

"And Velvet's okay too if you were wondering about that as well."

Arthur reverted to his cold and emotionless state, "Forgive my rudeness. I shouldn't have bothered you in the first place, but I'm grateful for what you have done for them."

Avernus was slightly surprised at how Arthur decided to change his tone quickly. However, that wasn't the time to argue as the bitter look on Laphicet's face urged Avernus to back down. Arthur muttered something in Laphicet's ear, and they both went to the other room, and Arthur closed the door behind them. Avernus headed to Velvet's room to check on her and saw Seres already standing beside her bed, gazing at Velvet.

He ignored her and pulled the blanket over Velvet. An item caught his attention on the other side of the bed; a small vase with the rose he bought was inside it. He picked it up and smirked, "Well, glad to see she didn't get rid of it."

Seres looked at the rose and then turned her attention to Avernus' face. He raised his shoulders in response, "What? It's a rose. Pretty girls like her receive gifts all the time."

He gently handed the vase to Seres, "It needs sunlight. Find a more suitable place for it, please."

Seres' expression was difficult for anyone to fully understand as her black mask covered her eyes, and her cold, emotionless voice governed her speech. She took the vase and placed it on one of the windowsills.

Avernus abruptly left the house in a hurry. He strode through the village and reached the shopkeeper while he was closing his store as the hour of dusk was fast approaching. After a few minutes, he came back to the house and saw Laphicet and Arthur standing in the hall. Arthur turned his head towards Avernus coldly, "Pack your belongings. You'll be leaving early."

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