Chapter X: Into The Fray

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As the air thickened with loud applause, the people of Loegres cheered for their hero and savior, Shepherd Artorius. Velvet kept her head down, and her body trembled in anger. Throughout the last three years, thoughts of slaying that man is what sustained her existence. All that she ever wanted was to spend her time with Laphicet and Arthur in a peaceful village, always unchanging. All that she ever desired was a loving family. She thought those times would last forever. But at that time, Velvet knew that not even the world was on her side.

Now, there are only two things she craved for: Bloodstained flesh and the death of Artorius Collbrande. Her prey was so close, yet so far out of reach.

A soothing voice shattered the whirlwind of darkness in her mind.

"Don't pressure your wound, Velvet. You'll open it again.", Avernus advised calmly.

His voice rang with power. Velvet's mind intuitively reacted, and she raised her head, glancing at his face. Avernus was observing the podium with his unwavering gaze. His light green pupils were quickly racing around, probing all the people standing behind Artorius: A young blond knight, a blond woman, and a shady old man with a large hat.

Then, among that torrent of hatred and rage, it hit her mind; that familiar friendly face sparked questions: How many days did he stay with them? Three days? Four days? Or Two days?

During her imprisonment, love turned to hate, caring turned to disdain. Kindness turned to cruelty. But for Avernus, he had the same calm gesture except for a slight frown. Whenever she glared at him, he would shift the frown and answer her with a gentle but overwhelming smile, completely out of his imposing character.

However, it was clear as day now: He was hiding great despair behind those smiles.

Velvet turned her attention to his hand, humanly holding her wounded fist, which was pulsing with healing magic.

"My healing artes are limited, Velvet. Right now, I'd rather focus my energy on somewhere else..." Avernus said to her. She slowly opened her fist and, in return, Avernus withdrew his own. Velvet sensed that someone was behind them. She turned her head slowly and recognized the small figure of Laphicet, watching both of them.

Lately, these people were becoming a distraction. Velvet must return to pursuing her goal.

The large doors were rotated on their hinges, and the crowd flooded back inside the city. The Shepherd's inauguration was over.

"Now it's time to head back down. We can use the bustle to move undetected.", Avernus suggested as he jolted his head to the side, signaling them to move, and gesturing at the crowd.

Velvet grabbed Laphicet's hand before the three of them began to slowly slide down the tower. At the base of the structure, the rest of the gang was waiting for them. After the rendezvous, without uttering a word, all of them rambled back inside the city.

Eizen swept a glance over Velvet and Avernus, "The Shepherd Artorius is your target?"

Avernus slowly nodded in acknowledgment, while Velvet turned her head away to avoid any eye contact.

Magilou smirked, "Oh, you both ruined my expectations! I thought you two were going to straight-up pounce on him as soon as he showed his face."

"No, that would be suicide. I need to fight Artorius on his terms. It'll be the most effective way to kill him.", Velvet calmly said.

"Ah, you guys are boring. But...", Magilou started to step back slowly, "I should get going. I'm on a little hunt of my own."

As she walked away, her voice turned into sing-song. "It is a sad departure! But I'll be praying for you all to reach your goal through enormous pain and agony!"

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