Chapter XI: Road to The Empyrean Throne

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The team escaped to the Danann Highway. Avernus stopped and whipped his head, checking their trail for any sign of any exorcists pursuing them. In the meantime, Rokurou dropped Magilou onto the ground.

Magilou cupped her hands over her cheeks, squishing them in panic, "Oh, just my luck! It's a catastrophe! That little traitor was right in front of me and you guys ran away!"

"That little malak was the one you're after?", Velvet asked.

Magilou gestured to her own chest dramatically, imitating a cry. "Oh yes! The Normin, Bienfu! The one who wounded this young maiden's wicked heart. A Normin full of hatefulness and deceiving cuteness." Magilou's eyes glowed as a sinister expression swept across her features. "Oh, the things I'll be capable of once I capture him... I'll even force him to massage me until his arms break... or maybe compliment me until he screams!"

Rokurou shook his head, turning to Velvet. "Should we go now?"

"Sure, unless Avernus wants to hear her nonsense for another five minutes.", Velvet replied, her face looking indifferent.

"Oh, come on! You're so rude!", Magilou protested, running to Avernus' side, "You have to take me with you!"

"Why? So you can whine till the end of time? Or constantly blabber about your fantasies about that Normin?", Avernus shrugged her off, rejoining Velvet, "We rescued you and that's it. You can go and find him yourself."

"Wh-? That's just heartless! That's no way to treat a young maiden! No wonder you're still single."

Avernus put his hand on his face and slowly brushed it downward in frustration, "If that's what it takes to shut that mouth of yours, then fine, you can come along. But no comments on what we do or else."

Magilou's panic expression changed in an instant and she grinned in satisfaction, opening her arms in excitement, "It's a deal!"

Glaring at Avernus and still mad from his decision of allowing Magilou to accompany them, Velvet extended a demanding hand to him, "Give me the paper."

As she took the sheet and unfolded it hurriedly, her eyes skimming the words.

Second Task


Search for the Missing Scholar

The group followed Velvet. However, Eizen's curiosity made him ask Velvet the same question that also boggled Avernus' mind, "How do you know that exorcist Eleanor?"

Avernus nodded at the same time, "Yeah, what's the deal with you two?"

Velvet stayed silent, eyes focused on the road. After a few moments, Rokurou filled them in instead, "When we were at Northgand, she had tears in her eyes when we first met. Velvet mocked her, calling her the "crybaby exorcist"."

"Why would a person like an exorcist even cry in public?", Avernus asked.

Velvet turned to Avernus, "Artorius' philosophy; "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few". She seemed troubled by that. All I can say about her is that she's naïve."

"Naïve or not, she is strong. The rank of praetor is given only to the people who can carry on with their will and determination unscathed.", Avernus said.

Velvet eyes narrowed in curiosity and Eizen continued, "He's saying that you shouldn't underestimate her. She's not the type to give up that easily."

"We'll deal about it later. Velvet, what's our next job?", Avernus asked.

"There's a scholar missing on the road to Galles Lake.", Velvet replied coldly.

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