Chapter XLII: The Valley of Kings

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Flash forward one thousand years later, Emperor Dorian's Mansion, Pendrago the Blessed Capital.

The air was tense with suspense around Sorey and Mikleo, no one batting an eye in anticipation. What felt like an exciting notion a few minutes ago was now a lump in their throat, preventing them from breathing until they knew the answer. The moment passed like an eternity.

The emperor's expression was unchanging despite the weight of his words. "That person's name was Avernus Diphda."

Sorey's mind raced as it tried to comprehend the emperor's response. He and Mikleo both had the same reaction. "Avernus... Diphda?!" Sorey released a pent-up breath, narrowing his eyes as he focused further. "As in the Hyland's royal lineage?"

The emperor let out a faint hum, closing his eyes for a brief moment before opening them again and seemingly avoiding Sorey's question. "Shepherd, in truth, all I wanted was to put an end to the conflict. It doesn't matter how many wars you win. There is always one that follows. But they are also two sides of the same coin; there is an opposite reaction for every action. A new conflict will inevitably challenge every lasting peace."

Sorey's eyes widened in confusion as he glanced at Mikleo before turning back to the emperor. "But what this has to do with the legend?"

The emperor picked up where he left, again dodging what Sorey wanted to hear. "Both war and peace situations must be dealt with when they come around, but the actions we take are going to be different each time. That's what we've learned from history." Emperor Dorian slowly rose, sighing as he shot a thoughtful glance over the window into the rainy weather.

Sorey and Mikleo's gazes followed the emperor, expecting a more relevant answer, but at the same time, they felt it would be rude to push the matter.

"I think you know the sensitivity of the subject. I'm afraid this is all I have to offer."

Sorey stood up, bowing at the Emperor. "Thank you for your hospitality, your majesty."

The emperor raised his brow slightly, turning to Sorey. "Leaving so soon?"

"Yes. We have to gain access to the church and meet with the Cardinal. The situation in Pendrago must be resolved as quickly as possible." Sorey insisted.

Emperor Dorian beckoned at the door. "Then let me offer you transportation. It is only fair that we'd provide means for cleansing malevolence for the Shepherd, especially in this weather."

Sorey and Mikleo nodded, following the emperor through the exit. Lailah, Edna, Rose, and Dezel joined them mid-way in the hallway. Sorey and Lailah exchanged a substantial and meaningful glance before resuming their walk. Lailah merged with Sorey, and he followed the emperor to the carriage.

As they got on the wagon, Rose spent a few moments probing Sorey's face. For her, staying in her ex-fiance's mansion was one thing, and watching her friends' silence was another uncomfortable feeling.

"Alright, what did the Emperor tell you?" Rose asked Sorey, breaking the stillness.

Sorey shifted his attention to her for a slight moment before returning his gaze to the window. "The emperor knew of malevolence and an old legend from a Mayvin."

"A storyteller spilled some beans?" Rose leaned back against the seat. "You know how I hated to be blind to everything. That's why I decided to be your squire. So tell me the whole story."

Sorey put up his determined face and explained what the emperor told him in full detail. After that, Rose trailed off, staring into the rainy weather. "A Diphda, huh? I don't know if I wanted to lose my emotions, but it's understandable why he chose the girl instead of the saviour." Rose grinned.

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