Chapter XXXVII: Season of the Reaper - Part I

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Flash forward, one thousand years later, the continent of Glenwood

Sorey leaned against the wooden wall of the sauna. He massaged his chin, eyes staring into the infinite beyond,

" Who's that guy ?" he repeated to himself, the phrase that was recently stuck within his mind before being greeted by Mikleo. The water seraph strode at him with a towel in hand.

"Still thinking about Alisha's ancestor?" Mikleo asked, resting his back on the wall beside Sorey.

Sorey let out a heavy sigh and nodded, "Yeah, for some reason, I can't get him out of my head."

Mikleo folded his arms, joining him in a whirlwind of might and maybes,

"Lailah's silence and the sacred sword have to do something with him, I'm sure."

Sorey's eyes went wide in realization, and his gaze turned to Mikleo, "You mean there's a second oath?"

Mikleo held his gaze for a few moments.

"Eh, that's a possibility. Let's hit the sauna first. You can relax and think clearly in there."

Sorey pursed his lips, slowly moving his head to the sides,

"You go. I'll join you later."

Mikleo shrugged and sighed, entering the corridor to the sauna.

"See you later, then."

But Sorey's mind was absent from the conversation. His instincts pressured him to dig more at any cost. It didn't take much before he was disturbed by a shirtless wind seraph. Zaveid marched at him with his eyes darting around the room, searching for someone.

"Hey, Mr. Shepherd. Where's Lailah and the others?"

Sorey blinked and casually turned to Zaveid,

"They went to the sauna to relax."

Zaveid eyes suddenly glinted with naughty intentions,

"Oh, really? Then why are you here idling around, Sorey? C'mon! let's hit up the sauna!"

Sorey clicked his tongue,

"Nah, maybe later."

Zaveid hooked his thumbs in his pockets, cocking his head and grinning,

"Don't be such a buzzkill! We men need to be open and comfortable about things like this!" The wind seraph seemed to trail off, remembering something, "You know, I was with a Shepherd in the past that was way over his head over a very peculiar girl." His mouth curved into a wide smirk, "He could be my partner in crime, but it's your duty now to oblige and be my naked accomplice!"

Sorey glanced at his torso, "Was he like you? You're always half-naked, Zaveid. I think that's enough for both of us."

Zaveid stretched his body to his full height and maintained his grin,

"No, I wore a coat back then. Now, I may show off my perfect body, but the door to my heart is always closed! And in these moments, Shepherds and Seraphim need to bond with each other in their times of need..."

Sorey immediately squinted at Zaveid as he realized his real motive,

"Don't tell me you're going to read the wind to snoop around the girls' sauna?"

Zaveid laughed and raised a brow, "Oh ho!" He mumbled a vague phrase, " ... And I thought his progeny was totally clueless... " Zaveid then cleared his throat, "So you're pretty sharp after all too, you no good Shepherd, you!"

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