Chapter XIX: My Creed

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The smirk on Velvet's face seemed a small achievement. Avernus had two fresh doses of sale'tomah. His head was dizzy all around, with faces of Velvet, Rokurou and Eizen swirling around his vision.

Velvet stood up, with Eizen and Rokurou helped Avernus to his feet. Avernus shook his head, trying to ward off that vile feel.

"Velvet," Avernus said, prompting Velvet to look at him. "I think I can't taste anything either."

She narrowed her eyes, and her smile faded. "Don't be such a baby. You can't take care of yourself. I wonder how you even stay alive this long."

Avernus grinned to himself. The answer was simple:

He didn't care.

"We've got these flowers now," Eizen said. "Eleanor, Avernus and my crew ought to be out of danger."

Eleanor walked to Laphicet's side and watched him observing the daemon bug, "This insect daemon was a surprise, but I think what everybody said about this "curse" of yours, Eizen, is a little bit of exaggeration."

"Believe what you want, but if you're not careful, you might end up as my fiftieth dead comrades."

Eleanor gasped. "Fiftieth?!"

"Yeah, that's how many comrades that I've lost. Just don't let your guard down." Eizen advised.

The crew began moving back towards the town. Avernus was content with being alone for the time, Velvet and Laphicet were walking together, talking about the bug they captured, and the rest were seemed to focus on their own thoughts. But he was still feeling that horrible sale'tomah taste in his mouth. At least his fever was getting better.

Tia walked side by side with him. "Are you feeling better? That was some tough love from Velvet."

"She meant well, and she was right. For her, that's the thought that counts, and this is the best I could hope for, I think." Avernus scratched the back of his head. "And I think she wanted payback."

"Why?" Tia smiled as she guessed. "Did you step out of your boundaries and into Velvet's private territory?"

Avernus shrugged.

"Idiot," Tia whispered and looked at Eleanor. "You intended to make Eleanor into a squire pact if I'm not mistaken."

"Yes. It's the best solution for keeping Eleanor close. And that's the thing Artorius, and his cronies won't expect.."

Eizen suddenly shouted, "Avernus! Get over here!"

Avernus joined Eizen, Rokurou and Laphicet as they were arguing.

Rokurou was sneering at Eizen, talking calmly in contrast to Eizen tensing up, "... But they only live for a year. The stag can survive through the whole winter."

"They live hard and die young! Is the beauty of such a life lost on you?!" Eizen frantically declared.

"What is it now?" Avernus asked.

Eizen pointed at the daemon beetle in Laphicet's hands and said,

"We need a final vote. Is this thing a rhinoceros beetle or a stag beetle?"

Avernus moved closer and checked the insect, "Hmm... are these horns or pincers? They are shaped like horns, but their placement is like pincers. I don't think he can move them. Maybe call it 'Laphicet Rhinostagros' for the moment?"

Rokurou sneered and said, "It seems you spend too much time with women. Their indecisive nature has already gotten into you."

Eizen shook his head in disappointment too, "Rhinostagros?! Are you nuts? You can't just blurt out a name out of nowhere."

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