Chapter XL: Truth of the World Part II

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The door to the deck flew open. Avernus and Velvet swept outside. The shepherd noticed the squad on the other side of the boat while their rising murmur caught his attention. Avernus wandered over to them as he saw Edna, Eizen's little sister, was sitting comfortably near Laphicet. Laphicet's face was blushing but excited at the same time while he was describing something to Edna, although Lailah had a frustrated look on her face, scowling at the boy from afar.

Avernus patted Lailah on the shoulder, whispering in her ear. "Why are you so worked up?"

Lailah moaned glumly and closed her eyes, lowering her head. "It's nothing."

Magilou's suppressed a smile, twirling her index finger in the air. "This is obvious. Laphicet finally got to see his crush!"

Lailah groaned silently, and Avernus darted a brow as his lips twitched, nearly bursting into laughter. But then his eyes caught Eizen's little sister; Edna was squinting as she peered at him with hostile intent. She instantly marched towards Avernus and raised her umbrella. In a fit of rage, she swung and hit Avernus in the knee. Her umbrella rebound off his glass crystalline kneepad, and she nearly fell on her back. Avernus leaned and grabbed her arm, preventing her from collapsing.

"Hey, watch where you swing that thing." Avernus griped, narrowing his eyes at the troublesome little girl.

Avernus released her arm, but Edna smacked his legs a few more times. Her small figure struggled to keep with each swing, grunting and gasping after each hit.

Avernus sighed in frustration and massaged his forehead. "Are you done?"

Edna stopped and glared at him with a grievance indication. "This is why I despise humans."

"That we saved your life?" Avernus asked with a hint of mocking.

The little girl scowled. "Your friend kidnapped me, and no, you didn't save me. My brother did."

Avernus exhaled slowly through his pursed lips. Unfazed by her childish demeanour, Avernus scoped the people around him. "Speaking of your brother... where is Eizen?"

Eleanor gestured to the other side of the ship and took a deep, shuddering breath. "He's there... away from his sister."

Avernus turned to Edna once again. "Is it because of his curse?"

Edna looked away, breaking their shared gaze. She then immediately resumed her swinging out of nowhere.

Avernus rolled his eyes, crossing his arms and letting out a sigh in disappointment. "Really, Edna?"

Abruptly, they heard a voice that rang with power. "Let me at this oversized brute, fair maiden!"

Avernus' eyes instantly tracked Phoenix, leaping from behind and ready to punch him in the face. As the normin's eyes flashed with an eagerness to battle, out of the blue, Velvet's demonic arm snaked him effortlessly out of the air like a little ball. She curled her claws, trapping and squeezing Phoenix. The aggressive normin groaned in pain, struggling against her grip as his eyes grew hazier by the second. "What is this?! Release me!" He panicked. Velvet's arm slowly drained his powers, lowering his domain to nothingness. Phoenix's voice and eyes became weary, losing focus and consciousness to Velvet's therion power. " me th-." He mumbled and fruitlessly wrestled until his head fell with his mouth half opened as his energy was spent.

Velvet put his exhausted figure on a barrel, and he slumped on its wooden top, spreading his body like a ragdoll. Velvet reverted her arm, taking a breath and glancing at the normin. "No fighting on the ship, understand? Next time you try something similar, I'll devour you."

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