Chapter XXXIX: Truth of the World - Part I

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Flash forward one thousand years later, Sparrowfeathers' Warehouse in Lastonbell, Rolance Kingdom.

Sorey followed rose into a warehouse on the edge of the city of Lastonbell. Following her behind the back, He wandered around the repository. "Is this your hideout?"

Rose raised a brow, looking offended. "Do you have to call it like that? It's our warehouse and office."

A man with a commoner outfit slid out of the darkness behind a large number of wooden crates. Sorey startled. The man raised his arms in surrender. "I'm sorry! I didn't want to take you by surprise!"

Rose stifled a smile and gazed at the shepherd in amusement. "Don't worry. Sorey needs time to get used to it." she turned her eyes back to the man. "Has Mayvin returned?"

He nodded and pointed over his shoulder to the back of the warehouse. "Yes, he just arrived an hour ago. He's waiting for you in the back room."

Sorey and Rose passed through the supplies and entered a large chamber. An older man with a large body stature, wearing a large book on his back, turned to face them. Both he and Sorey smiled, shooting a familiar glance at each other. The older man shifted his attention to Rose. "Took you long enough." The older man said, baring his teeth in a tease. Immediately, Rose pounced at him and threw some punches as he coolly dodged them. Rose went for a charged slam, and he caught her fist effortlessly. "Hey, Mayvin! You made it!" she expressed gleefully.

The older man cocked his head proudly. "I heard you were going to be in Lastonbell. Came here as fast as I could." The man shifted to Sorey. "Good to see you again, Shepherd."

Sorey firmly held the sheath of his sword. "Likewise, Mayvin. Sorry I couldn't come sooner. I ran into some difficulties with Sergei, and we really needed to go to Pendrago. I wanted to wrap things up here before we go on our journey."

Mayvin suddenly let out a blaring laugh. "No, kidding! I heard you're moving around, roasting evil, and eating dragons. As a storyteller and explorer, I have to inscribe your adventure for future generations."

Sorey's eyes widened in wonder. Rose nodded. "He helps carry the mystery and mythology to the next generation. Spreading knowledge, like a teacher." She explained.

"I knew you were a storyteller but not to this extent. You must know a lot then." Sorey expressed eagerly.

Rose hummed in acknowledgment. "He'd better! Mayvin is over a hundred years old!"

Mayvin continued to smirk and winked. "That's right, Shepherd. There are things outside of the ruins that are spectacular too, you know."

"Then I must ask you something...." Sorey said unsurely.

Mayvin gestured at the table behind him. "I'm thirsty. What do you say we sit first and have some drinks."

"Uh... I can't. I'm seventeen."

Mayvin smiled in amusement. "You're a funny one to have around. I like you, kid. Too bad you're so busy being the Shepherd and all." He picked a bottle and sipped the wine in a large gulp. "So, tell me, what do you need?"

Sorey pulled his chair closer to the table. "Have you heard anything about Shepherds in general? Like ancient ones?"

Mayvin face stilled. He began to breathe slowly, eyes glaring assertively at Sorey. The shepherd leaned forward. "Please... If you have the smallest hint. Anything at all." Sorey implored.

Mayvin let out a loud groan. "A long time ago, I met a man who was called the Shepherd. He told me a story. These are his own words: "Bad thoughts dwell in every person's heart. If we call those thoughts malevolence, then they exist within me too. The concept of malevolence is so huge my mind cannot comprehend it, and the answers to malevolence are uncertain and unclear. For example, if I harm one person to save many others, is that a malevolent act? Do we all embrace malevolence the moment we admit the existence of a necessary evil?"

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