Chapter XXVI: A Stroll In The Demonic Waters

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Avernus immediately felt a sense of vertigo. The portal was opened way above the ground. He soon overcame his dizziness and landed on his feet. The sound of his impact resonated within the hallowed space of the earthpulse. Concentrated and focused, he began to scope the area and instantly realized the magnitude of the region. A sense of nostalgia hit the sorcerer. The floating rocky islands, levitating crystalline boulders that embellished earthpulse's ether, ornaments to the hidden nirvana, were reminiscent of the first time he ventured into an earthpulse. A life he could no longer relate to.

But the air had hints of seclusion. Everything was dead and forgotten.

He violently shook his head to ward off the sensation. "I'm not here to weep and wail in solitude," Avernus said to himself, unsurely.

He waited, concentrating his heart and mind to one hub; to see and to understand.

But nothing came to him. Nothing answered his sense of wonder and prodigy. Avernus didn't want to force his way into the stream of knowledge. He was aware that a single wrong move in the ocean of erudition would cost him his spirit. The earthpulse didn't show anything.

"I'm not picky. Show me anything." He hopelessly appealed to the life veins.

He felt a humming in his ears. The area soon blacked out. Avernus calmly checked his surroundings. The area felt familiar; the pitch-black, round cell with high walls of stone.

"Velvet's cell?! Did the earthpulse reject me?!" He thought to himself furiously.

But he heard the sound of crying. He looked towards his back. Someone was with him in the darkness, sitting way back and quietly mourning. The hatch door at the top opened with a harsh sound of metal. His eyes switched to the light that was coming out of the gap. Something suddenly fell.

Avernus took a defensive stance, staff in his left hand, his right leg leading his body, and his right arm extended towards the front, his half-clenched hand radiating with magic.

He soon identified the creature; A werewolf, plunging towards him. He arched his arm and slashed away at the incoming threat, "Wind Cutter!" His shout followed the pressurized wind arte. The elemental blade shot horizontally and, in an instant, reached its target.

His eyes widened in shock. The magic passed through its body.

Avernus sidestepped. The werewolf landed on the cold ground. It started to sniff the room. To his surprise, it totally ignored his presence. "It's a vision...". Avernus cautiously concentrated his attention on the daemon.

The hairy Lycan slowly moved towards the unknown individual. Panting and growling, its claws reflected a glimmer of light. The silhouette slowly stood up. A pair of yellow eyes emerged from the darkness. It revealed its own claw in return. The crimson hue coming from it instantly betrayed her identity, albeit much younger.

"Velvet?!" He breathy said to himself.

With a raucous howl, the daemon pounced at her. Velvet jumped in return, and they engaged in a gruesome fight. Her claw dug deep into the werewolf's flesh, and her adversary's fangs burrowed deep in her body. But she was relentless. Velvet tore the tissue. Bloodiedfur filled the air around them. Another strike pulled off more muscle and skin from the daemon's bones. The howl turned to whimpers and whine. He moved closer to the scene. He froze in his place. Velvet's face was painted with blood. The daemon's meat was getting absorbed through her claw.

The werewolf was no more. She ate her fill to the last drop of blood. Velvet lowered her head, standing motionless. Avernus hands intuitively went towards her shoulders, trying to comfort her. His hands went through the projection. He quickly clenched his fists and looked away.

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