Bonus Post-Ending Chapter: Sure Promise

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Skies above mount Killarous, six months later

With a loud thunder, the clouds above the sky of Merichio broke in half as Avernus' fire armatization form soared through the sky. Armatized with Lailah, Avernus' pact boosted by her power, and he pulled himself up, gaining altitude above the dense cloud formations and meeting with a clear sky. He smiled at the endless azure that stretched to the infinite.

"You've grown so strong, Lailah."

"You are amazing as always, Avernus! I can still feel the blessing of all Empyreans flowing through your body."

Avernus gazed down over Hellawes as the clouds beneath them dispersed. "Sometimes, it is so strange healing their voice. Eumacia's reluctant to talk because of Melchior, but I told him it's fine. Those people are long gone, and I come to terms with what we had to do. Velvet and I are moved on, and so they and their vessels should do too."

"That's right," Lailah said and giggled silently. "I heard from Maotelus that you advised him to assign Morgrim to Musiphe because of Shigure's feelings toward her."

Avernus smiled proudly. "Morgrim is happier this way, and I think Musiphe would enjoy her company too. Musiphie might not be the real Shigure, but his memories are there. Hyanoa and Amenoch are both sharing a concentrated bond as Oscar and Teresa would do. The Empyreans will eventually have to come into terms with their borrowed vessels. After seeing Innominat and Tiamat, I'm sure dealing with those memories will be hard for them as it is for us."

"You are a softie, brother," Lailah said, praising him. "For me, for Maotelus, for Eleanor-san, Magilou-san, For everyone... And especially for Velvet." Her voice suddenly gloomed at the end.

And Avernus quickly caught that.

"Is there something wrong, Lailah?"

She was nearly panicked. "N-No! What do you mean?!"

"You sounded sad when you mentioned Velvet. What happened? Did she say something?"

Lailah sighed. "Since you two came back from your travels, Velvet is different..."

Avernus banked his body hard to the right, going straight towards the shore. "How do you know?"

"When Velvet went to meet Dyle, Meddissa, and Kamoana to check on Orthie and Russ, she changed a bit... I could feel her emotions." Lailah said silently.

Avernus had a hunch for explaining their connection. A theory of why Lailah and Velvet became so close in a matter of days. Lailah didn't know why she had an easy time calling Velvet "sister," but Velvet did, and she didn't talk about it. But as they all felt, those past lives were gone. Celica and Seres were different persons, and so was Lailah. Whatever the explanation was, it didn't matter.

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