Bonus Post-Ending Chapter: Tomorrow's Answer

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The Midgand Sea, Two Months Later

The sun was high up in the sky, shining on Avernus' loose hair as he was standing adamantly on the deck of a small ship. The wind bellowed his long loose hair and long cloak. His arms were crossed over his chest, surrounded by daemon pirates.

Werewolves and werebeasts pirates were growling amusingly at him with their Warg captain standing behind them, snorting through his nose and gazing over the lone traveller. One of the daemons walked out of the cabin and went straight to the captain. "I have searched the whole ship. There is no one on board except him."

The Warg captain jerked his snout over to Avernus. "What kind of idiot travels all alone and flies with the imperial flag?" The daemon gang laughed and howled at each other in hilarity. "What do you even do?"

"I'm the supervisor of reconstruction efforts," Avernus uncaringly replied, holding his head high and his face expression stoic. "And I'm right in the middle of doing my job."

The daemon crew laughed humorously all at the same time, glancing back and forth between each other, grunting, "What type of reconstruction one man like you can do?!" the Warg captain growled.

Avernus' eyes pinned the captain under a frowning murderous gaze. "I'll start by deconstructing trash like you ."

The laughter suddenly faded, and their faces returned to their animalistic and barbaric expression, baring their teeth in a challenge.

Avernus turned his head around and swept a pitiful gaze over the monsters. "Look at you; a bunch of pathetic daemons, robbing civilian ships and running away like rats when Van Eltia shows up."

Suddenly, a daemon whirled to the Warg captain worryingly, "Boss! He can see us !"

"It seems he can," the captain snorted. "He looks like a leftover of those exorcists..." The daemon captain pulled his cutlass slowly and cautiously, eyes clinging to Avernus.

"I'm not an exorcist... I'm worse than them. For people like you, I'm your greatest nightmare. " The side of Avernus' lips quirked into a confident grin as they began to step back a bit. "What is it, dogs? Too scared to fight me?"

One of the lesser daemons moved slowly to his side, sniffing and circling him. "He doesn't have a single weapon with him but smells of magic! I don't think he can take us on all at once, boss!"

"You can certainly try, filth." Avernus taunted.

The daemon suddenly lost his patience and howled in a challenge, scrambling toward Avernus with his sword raised and his extended tongue swaying between his fangs like a rabid dog.

Avernus' emerald eyes glittered, and he whipped his right hand. A bright green Tomahawk out of mana materialized, and he slammed it with an inhuman speed into the daemon's gut as it approached. The werewolf screeched in pain and bent over his arm, dark blood gushing out of its mouth. Avernus conjured another axe on his left hand and, with a twirl, landed a massive hit on the daemon's back. The sharp blade cut the beast's spinal cord, and its pained howling ceased. Avernus raised its motionless body above his head as its legs and arms dangled lifelessly and tossed it over to the Warg captain's feet. The corpse rolled and stopped at the daemon's feet. The captain grunted, and his gaze shifted to a frightened stare at the sight of Avernus' battle stance.

Avernus hefted his conjured Tomahawks in each hand, gazing cold-bloodedly over the daemons and squaring his shoulders. "Who's next?"

The crew stepped back, their hairy faces darkened with hate and uncertainty as they gazed over their crewmate's bloodied corpse. The captain's snout twitched alarmingly, watching Avernus taunting them at will.

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