Chapter XXX: Shadow of Calamity

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Strange whispers floated in the endless void, trying to reach out to Avernus's broken mind. He could make out Tia, Rokurou, Magilou, and Velvet's voices mixed up.

"It's all right... I know you tried...."

"He will be up shortly, hopefully before tomorrow morning...."

"...It has been two days...."

"...He got affected by malevolence. His body is constantly fighting corruption. It's off the scale...."

"...Hold on, Shepherd... Bienfu and I will fix you just fine...."

"...Focus, Magilou! What do we do, tell us?!"

"...Sheesh, Velvet, cool down. I wasn't the one who punched him hard in the head...."

The sounds went in an instant. Avernus drifted away.

A silver light appeared in the distance. Avernus's soul noticed Phi's voice more clearly than others.

"... Then we got to the main road! Velvet forced the geoboard to move even faster! I tried to hold on to her cloak, but I ended up grabbing her backside... it was so embarrassing! But I managed to find another earthpulse point" His senses diverted to sadness, "... wake up... wake up, please. I'll promise to learn how to purify the malevolence. I'll help!" Phi pleaded innocently. The kid's voice then disappeared into nothingness.

The timeless fantasy went on. Avernus could sense Eleanor, closer than before.

"... I think I've finally gotten used to Laphicet's powers... All thanks to you. It's been four days now; he misses you greatly. Kamoana cried the other day. She saw her mother in her dreams. Mahina told her that she didn't want her anymore... Her mother said that she was too hideous. Velvet tried to calm her down, but it didn't work because Kamoana wanted her mother's embrace instead. I hoped that you could talk to her to ease her sadness... I don't know what to do...."

He flew through the emptiness of his mind. A light flickered in the distance. Like a moth to a flame, his soul dashed towards it. This one echoed all around him.

"...You did it again. First, Laphi left me, then Arthur betrayed me, and now you're ignoring your promises... Is it too much to ask to listen, you dumbass? Who am I kidding? You'll do it again anyhow. I cooked meat and vegetable soup for you. Tia said that you love meat. I don't know how I did, but Phi tasted it for me. He said it tasted delicious. He's helping out so much...."

Velvet's voice stopped, but the light was still there.

"... For the first time after all these years, I don't know how to live... if you're not here."

The seemingly endless dream was coming to an end. Avernus slowly took control of his heavy eyelids. He opened them, barely. A single light partially lit the room. He gradually tilted his head to the side, checking the place to prove his suspicion; the large drawing desk, different books on a large shelf, his assumption was correct. He was back at his private cabin in Van Eltia.

Avernus groaned. Putting all his strength into his body, he instantly sat up. He placed his hands on his face, rubbing it to ward off the numb feeling. His bones ached to no end. His muscles were oddly numb, as if he didn't use them for quite some time.

"Guess I failed Theodora...Heh, typical me, what's new..." he said to himself, disappointingly.

However, among the thoughts of Theodora's sad fate, the smell of a delicious meal sealed away his anxiety. He quickly tracked the dish responsible for that luscious scent; it was coming from a bowl full of vegetable and beef soup. Perfect for someone who was recovering from an illness.

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