Chapter VIII: The Reunion

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"Bright Silver Slash!"

The shout echoed through the forest, followed by the sounds of screeching metal. The cries of a daemon werewolf howled among the trees. The monster turned its head to face the hooded warrior, who was responsible for its grave injuries. The daemon extended its fangs and roared. It glared into the man's eyes like a rabid animal, inviting him to their last showdown. The warrior began to rotate the staff slowly, moving it from one side to another until it spanned so fast the weapon itself was barely visible. The daemon dashed and lunged towards the warrior. He met its onslaught with a quick dash. The warrior's weapon whistled through the air and clashed with the daemon.

Blood sprayed across the trees, tainting the leaves.

Their movements turned to naught as both of them landed on their paws and feet. After a few seconds of stillness, the werewolf's upper torso began to part from its lower body and fell to the ground with a thump. The warrior slowly turned and stalked at the still alive werewolf and put his pointy metal boot on its neck. Blood and foam were spewing from daemon's half-opened mouth as it was staring at him with eyes full of hatred and grudge. The warrior swiftly moved his foot and broke the creature's neck. The remnants dissolved into a black and dark purple mist.

Avernus removed the hood and sighed, "These 'Code Red' daemons are turning into a nuisance, and they've become increasingly difficult to fight alone."

"Release me, and I can help you with these fights.", Tia suggested.

"Not a chance, at least not yet. You show your face around here now, and we're gonna have a frickin' problem."

Tia whispered unintelligibly, but he ignored it.

His mind was occupied with another notion. Avernus sheathed his weapon and strode through the forest.

"For now, let's head back to our contact and collect our pay. 1500 gald is not much, but it's better than nothing."

Avernus reached a group of parked carriages near the gates of Loegres and nodded to a woman standing beside the caravan. She threw a pouch of gald to Avernus.

"The boss needs to see you, stranger."

Avernus weighed the pouch, and after a short surprising look at the contact, he strode through the city.

"I hope Tabatha has an update for us."

"Seres is a powerful malak. I think she can handle herself. But the problem isn't freeing that Velvet girl. It's the obvious matter that we need allies to bring the fight to the Abbey.", Tia suggested.

"You're right. I've been thinking about asking some outlaw groups with connections to the Bloodwings. Tabatha is somehow reluctant to introduce me to them, so we may need to broaden the circle ourselves." As Avernus finished discussing his plans, he saw a new poster outside the city gate. He moved closer to read the description.

"For your safety, beware of the 'Dragon', and stay in your homes after the curfew hour."

He laughed loudly.

"Haha! These guys are legitimately scared! I can't believe those morons!"

"It seems that you got your signature namesake again.", said Tiamat.

Avernus' smile began to dry as he remembered the time people back in his homeland called him by the same name.

"'The Dragon', huh? He who battles monsters should be careful that he does not become a monster himself..."

"Don't you remember what you said before?", Tiamat asked, "Sometimes it takes a monster to kill a monster."

"Yeah... I remember.", Avernus replied in a bitter tone and continued his way to the tavern.

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