Epilogue - The Greatest Story Never Told

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Morgana Woods, Aball - Two years later

Mist swirled and pooled around Rokurou's feet as he stalked between trees, his hand hanging near his sword. "Come on, you big ugly bastard, I know you're out here...."

He paused to listen, head forward, moving to follow the faint, wet sounds of crunching and tearing emanating from behind a nearby log. His demonic eye flared up. Creeping forward on silent feet, Rokurou slowly leaned around a tree trunk to steal a glimpse of his prey. But sounds of battle cries and howling echoed around the forest. Rokurou lunged out from behind the tree. His eyes widened. "Huh? Velvet?"

Velvet, wearing a long red vest-like coat with red arm-length detached sleeves with frill style, and a tricorne red hat with black lines at the edges, looked up at him innocently, yanking her wrist blade out of a Lycan's skull as Velvet put her long leather boots on its neck. "Rokurou? Fancy meeting you here."

Rokurou groaned in the disappointment of Velvet stealing his kill. "Don't you get cute with me. I've been stalking him for days!"

From behind the bushes, Orthie and Russ jumped and moved protectively to Velvet. "Didn't see your name on it, and it's not my fault if you're getting slow, Rokurou."

Rokurou sighed, crossing his arms. "Forget it. What are you even doing here? I thought you were out at sea, and you know it's the time for...." He paused for a moment and rubbed the back of his neck, shaking his head in guilt. "I'm sorry, I'm not sure if I should bring it up."

Velvet nodded. She kept her glance unreadable as ever. "It's okay. We were on our way to Loegres, and Eizen wanted to pick up Edna. So, I thought I should check on Aball."

"Aball? So Tabatha still wants to convert it into a hideout?"

"She is, but I'm still not sure if it's best to hand it over to Bloodwings or if I should keep it for myself and make it my own base." Velvet said. "The soil fertility is improving, and it would make for a perfect sanctuary for the crew and their families. Say, why don't you join us? I think everyone would love to see you again, even if it is for a few days."

Rokurou sighed and shook his head. "No, thanks. I don't think Eizen would approve of the presence of a bloodthirsty daemon when Edna's around."

"Eizen said Phoenix's domain is getting stronger, and Laphicet is around, so you're harmless." Velvet said, smirking impishly.

"Harmless, huh? Not sure if it's true about me, but when you put it that way, I think I can spare a day or two."

Velvet gave him a nod, and along with the dogs, they travelled back to the Van Eltia.

As they arrived at the Taliesin port, Benwick rushed at them and saluted. "Ma'am!"

"Report, Benwick."

"The ship is loaded with supplies, and Ms. Hume says that Eizen and Edna are already onboard."

"Right, call everyone back to the ship. We're leaving at noon." Velvet ordered, and they embarked on the Van Eltia.

"It's been a long time since I set foot on this ship...." Rokurou said, but he heard a familiar chuckle as soon as he came on board.

"I thought I heard the sounds of inadequacy coming from somewhere," Eizen smirked.

Rokurou darted a brow up, eyes brewing with a fresh challenge in mind. "Oho! I see you're getting bold, old man. How about a...."

"No settling differences or no friendly wager on this ship!" Velvet yelled. "Got it?!"

Rokurou raised his hands in surrender. "Okay, alright... Sheesh, Velvet, I don't recall the crew saying anything about Aifread being this strict. Am I right, Eizen?"

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