Chapter Three: Awkward Babbling

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"Try it on your own this time, Shawn," Diana said, making me look up to realize we had another customer. "I'll watch."

My eyes landed on the customer, who was a whole lot closer to the ground than I had expected. He was probably around my age - I figured he went to the community college that was down the street, the backpack on his lap basically confirming that theory. It was the wheelchair that threw me off. Why would someone my age need a wheelchair?

Diana nudged my arm and I remembered that I had a job to do. "Uh... hi," I started. "What can I get for you?"

He took his eyes off me and looked at the menu above my head. "Number one combo, I guess. Small."

Okay, combos were easy. I clicked through the menu on the screen in front of me until I found the list of combos. Then I accidentally pressed the second one.

"Shit," I muttered. "That's a number two." I looked at Diana. "How do I delete this one?"

Before she could move, the wheelchair guy spoke up. "A number two is fine. I don't really mind." He laughed a little bit - a soft melody that I wouldn't have expected from someone like him.

"Are you sure?" I asked him. "I can fix this."

The guy almost looked like he blushed, although I couldn't tell with the dark coloring of his skin. "Honestly, it's okay. I'm not that picky."

Thankfully I was able to get the rest of his order right, although I felt like the few minutes it took me to do were the most stressful that I've had all day. I didn't want to mess up again, especially not on his order again.

When I finished - even successfully typing in his name (Andy) and learning how to accept a gift card as payment - Diana said something I didn't realize was an option.

"Why don't you find a table?" she said to him. "Shawn can bring your food out to you."

He nodded, even giving me a little smile. "Thanks. I appreciate that."

As soon as he wheeled himself off towards the tables, I turned to Diana. "Are we allowed to do that?" I asked. "I thought we weren't supposed to bring them the food. That's what you told me earlier."

"Sometimes we can make exceptions when we see that they might need the help. Besides..." She lowered her voice to whispered and leaned closer to me. "He was checking you out, sweetie. And don't think I didn't notice you looking too."

My eyes went wide. "But I have a girlfriend!" I didn't mean to say that as loud as I did. I definitely mean for the whole place to hear me; even some of the customers turned their heads to look at me - including wheelchair guy, who gave me a quick glance. Of course.

"Goddammit," I muttered, turning my back to the dining area. I wish I could just die from embarrassment right now. At least what I said wasn't so bad. It could have been a whole lot worse.

I straighten my back, standing up taller. Why did I even care? I said I had a girlfriend - that wasn't a lie. And who cares who heard it? Sure, maybe that kid was checking me out, but it's not like I'd ever date him. I made a promise to myself years ago that I wasn't going to go for any more guys. I wasn't about to break that promise, especially because I did have Meg.

Diana was still standing there next to me, shaking her head as she tried to conceal her laughter. I'm glad she could find some amusement out of this, because it was sure to never happen again.

And of course, Franky had to come over and ask what was going on at that moment, with Diana still trying not to laugh and me trying to ignore her.

"See that kid over there?" Diana asked Franky, nodding in the direction of the tables. "Totally checked out Shawn. Shawn here got a bit defensive when I brought the possibility of a mutual attraction."

"I'm not being defensive!" I hated how I defensive I sounded just saying that.

Thankfully, the guys making the food called out Andy's name at that moment, so I made my escape from that conversation. Although that just meant I needed to go bring the kid his food now. Just great. I officially hated my job.

I grabbed the tray, ignoring the guy's confused look when I took it instead of a customer. Each step across the small restaurant felt like a mile and I could feel my heart beating fast in my chest. I didn't know why I was so nervous - maybe I was just afraid Lisa was going to appear again and yell at me for breaking a rule. At least I wouldn't be breaking another bowl though.

Finally, I reached the guy's table. He had his back to me, having moved a chair out of the way. He was bent over a notebook, writing something out in really neat handwriting. I didn't want to bother him, but I didn't want to seem creepy just standing here either. So I placed the tray on the other half of the table.

He looked up. "That was quick. Thank you."

"Uh, sure. No problem." I felt awkward. Do I say something else? Do I leave? I didn't know what to do.

When I decided to leave him to his lunch, I turned to walk back over to the counter. Except I accidentally kicked the table leg and ended up knocking his drink over.

"Fuck," I cursed, grabbing the cup before too much could spill. Thank god there was a lid on it. "I am so sorry."

He chuckled, grabbing a napkin to soak up what did spill onto the tray. "It's fine. Don't worry about it. I tend to be bit of a klutz sometimes too."

I stood up, no longer fussing over his drink. "Is that how you...?" I shook my head, realizing I definitely shouldn't have asked him that. But before I could awkwardly run away from him, he answered.

"Ended up in a wheelchair? No. That was completely different."

I nodded my head, embarrassed. "Yeah, of course. Sorry for asking. Uh... enjoy your lunch."

Before I could embarrass myself any further, I hurried back behind the counter, grateful for the first time all day that there was a line of customers. Diana and Franky, thankfully, didn't watch me just do that.

I was really hoping I'd never see that guy again. 

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