Chapter Thirty: Home Invader and Food Stealer

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Once we ended the call, I made my way back inside Kat's house. They all stared at me as I came through the door, probably suspecting it was Shawn who had called. Well, it's not like they'd be wrong.

"So? Was that the boy?" Alicia asked.

I nodded. "And now I need to go."

"Ooh, booty call," Joey said with a smirk. "Nice."

Kat smacked his arm. I shook my head. "That's the opposite of what's happening," I said. "We're just going to talk."

"I don't think you should go," Kat said. "I'm just saying, he ignored you for a week, then all of a sudden calls you and you go chasing after him? He's just playing with you, Andy."

"He's not." I then grabbed my plate with my half-eaten slice on it. "Kat, can I wrap this up?"

She stood up, reaching for my plate.

"Bring some for lover boy, too," Joey said, opening the box back up. "What does he like? We have plenty."

It took me another ten minutes to finally get out of there, with four and a half slices of pizza wrapped up in my backpack. Shawn had told me he'd be about an hour, but I still wanted to get home as soon as I could and maybe tidy up a bit if I needed to. I've barely been there all week, so I don't really know what sort of condition my apartment was in.

Thankfully, it wasn't that bad. I washed the few dishes that had piled up in the sink and cleared my textbooks off the coffee table in the living room. By the time I was done with that and finished eating that half a slice I had brought back for me, Shawn was knocking on my door.

"It's open!" I called, making my way across the room.

Shawn opened the door and stepped inside. He honestly looked like crap, with his backpack slung over one shoulder and dark bags under his eyes. My heart went out to him.

"Hey," he said, dropped his backpack onto the ground and kicking off his shoes. "I'm sorry for doing this to you."

"Don't apologize. You can come talk to me whenever you need to. I don't mind."

Shawn nodded and walked over to the couch, collapsing onto it. "I just feel like a terrible person right now. I can't seem to do anything right."

"You're not a terrible person," I told him as I shifted myself onto the couch as well. "Yeah, sure, I wished you would have let me know sooner that you'd be preoccupied with your mom here, but at least you did call me today."

He shook his head. "It's not even that. Everything out of my mother's mouth this week has been about me doing something wrong. I don't even want to know how she'll react if she ever finds out I'm fucking a guy."

My breath caught in my throat. Maybe I was thinking too much into it, but his wording implied us continuing to sleep together, if, of course, he was actually talking about me. I don't see why he wouldn't be since, as far as I know, I was the only guy to have sex with him in at least a couple years.

"Is she homophobic?" I asked, hesitantly.

Shawn shrugged. "Who knows? But everything I do is wrong to her anyway. Why should this be any different? I just want her to leave, you know? I thought we needed her help, but she's just making everything worse. I haven't even eaten anything today because she threw out all the damn food in the house. I guess she bought more things, but I left before I saw any of it."

That reminded me of the pizza. "You like pizza? I have some extra slices in the kitchen. Some veggie slices, some pepperoni. I didn't know what you'd like."

Shawn let out a soft moan. "God, that sounds amazing. Thank you." He then stood up from the couch. "Where are they?"

I chuckled. "I can get it for you, you know."

He shook his head, gesturing for me to stay where I was. "I can do it. Might as well, since I'm the one invading your place and stealing your food."

I shook my head at his logic, not bothering to correct him that I invited him over and offered him the pizza. He wasn't invading or stealing my food, not in the slightest. But at least he wasn't making me get back in my chair when I just got out of it. I should have remembered the pizza earlier, though.

A minute later, Shawn came back holding a paper towel with two pepperoni slices on it. He sat back down on the couch, this time slightly closer to me than before. I doubted he noticed.

"I do own plates," I pointed out, "but obviously, that's not your thing."

Shawn paused with one of the slices about to be stuffed into his mouth. "Sorry," he mumbled, before taking a bite. "I can go get one."

I shook my head, not looking at his half-chewed food as he talked. "Don't worry about it. Just... don't make a mess. Please."

He nodded his head, but I wasn't sure how neat he would end up being. Maybe I should give him the benefit of the doubt, but with the amount of grease on those slices, it was hard to picture it not getting everywhere.

I grabbed the remote off the coffee table to turn on Netflix. I had a feeling Shawn was done talking, at least for now. A movie might help take his mind off everything.

"Wanna watch anything in particular?" I asked.

He shrugged, already almost done with his second slice. I swear he probably inhaled them. "Whatever," he mumbled around another mouthful of food.

I sighed and kept scrolling through, looking for something. Before I got very far, Shawn stood up, crumbling the paper towel in his hands. I watched as he walked into the kitchen. I figured he was getting another slice, since he seemed hungry enough, but when he came back, the paper towel was gone and it looked like he had washed his hands.

"I know what I want to watch," he said, sitting back down. This time, he sat considerably closer to me. He had to have noticed this time.

"What's that?" I asked.

He leaned closer to me, our gazes locked. "You fucking me again."

I shook my head slightly. I wasn't going to be someone he only uses for sex. "Only if you agree to go out with me, as my boyfriend."

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