Chapter Five: Unfair Responsibility

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I slammed the front door shut and of course, the first thing I hear is the shout from the other room: "Quit slamming the door!"

I sighed. "You're not the boss of me, Ivy," I called back. It was actually more the other way around than anything else.

She didn't answer me again, so I headed for the kitchen. I was not in the mood to figure out what to make for dinner, other than the bag of fries I brought home from work. I kinda had a bad day, and I just wanted to curl up in my bed and forget it happened. But no, I just had to be the responsible one around here, didn't I?

To my surprise, I found Ivy at the stove when I walked into the kitchen. She was stirring a pot of boiling water, an empty box of macaroni and cheese sitting on the counter next to her. Looks like I didn't have to make something after all.

"I hope this is okay," she said, turning around to face me. "I was hungry and I wanted some."

"Only if there's enough for all of us."

She nodded, turning back to stirring the pot. "I'm not that mean, Shawn. Sometimes I think of people other than myself, you know."

With a small nod, I tossed the paper bag of fries onto the table and sat in one of the chairs. How was it fair that a fifteen year old girl was cooking dinner for her family? How was it fair that that was usually my responsibility? Speaking of family members...

"Is Dad home?" I asked Ivy.

She didn't turn around as she shrugged. "Haven't seen him. But probably."

I nodded. Of course. It was always the same scenario, every day. Standing up, I left my little sister in the kitchen to go track down our father. Let's see what kind of state he was in today.

His bedroom door was slightly ajar and I could hear the soft sound of some commercial playing on the TV. I knocked lightly, but didn't wait for a reply before I pushed the door open.

Just as I suspected, he was laying on his bed in nothing but an old pair of sweatpants, staring at the TV. I wasn't sure how much he was even paying attention to it, though, considering it was a tampon commercial. Gross.

"Dad?" I asked. He looked at me with those vacant eyes, but didn't say anything. "Ivy's making dinner. You should eat something."

He nodded, but I don't think he really heard me. He'd wander out in a couple hours and we'd make sure he'd eat. It was the same thing every night. I should be used to this by now.

Walking back to the kitchen, I let out another sigh. I blamed Mom for this. All of this was her fault, not like she cares. Sure, just run out on your husband and kids to go live on some fancy island somewhere near the equator with your boss. We don't need you around here! Of course we'll be fine, thanks so much for thinking of us before leaving! Yeah, right.

Ivy was just about done making the pasta, so I grabbed the two plates out of the drying rack and put them on the table with a couple forks. It was the least I could do if she was doing all the cooking.

"He's not coming?" she asked me, putting the pot in the center of the table.

I shook my head. "Doubt it. Like usual." I sat down, tossing the bag of fries over to her side of the table. "Here. Help yourself."

Her eyes lit up when she looked inside. "Ooh! Perfect! Thanks!"

I had just started serving myself some food when my phone buzzed with a text. I pulled it out of my pocket and sighed when I saw the name that was now on my screen.

"Meg?" Ivy asked me, having noticed. She may still be young, but she wasn't dumb, that's for sure.

I nodded. "Yeah. I'm going to hang out with her tonight, I guess. You're gonna be good here by yourself?"

"I won't be alone. Dad's still here."

I rolled my eyes. "You gonna be good here by yourself?" I repeated.

"Yes, Father," she replied, her words full of sass. "I'll even do my homework. Aren't you proud of me?"


After I finished eating, I left. Meg wanted to meet up for ice cream tonight and I couldn't say no to her again. I felt like I should care more about her, but I couldn't bring myself to. At least, not as much as I should or as I used to.

She didn't know that, though. That's the one thing I didn't want her to know. She's been there through everything as my rock. I almost felt like I needed to keep her happy now, to make up for all the times I had brought my problems to her over the last year and a half - almost two years, actually - most of it dealing with my parents' divorce.

I found her waiting just inside the doors of her favorite ice cream place. I don't know why she always spends forever looking at the menu when she orders the same thing every time, but I let her continue to look as I joined her.

As soon as I stepped up next to her, she looked at me. "Good! You're here!" she cheered. "I'll buy. What do you want?"

I shook my head. "I'm fine, babe. I just ate dinner."

"No! You gotta have something! You came all the way out here!"

I sighed. "Fine. A small strawberry thing, I guess."

"Are you sure that's it?" she asked, weirdly concerned. "You can get more than that. Sprinkles? Anything?"

"No, that's it, babe."

I put my hand on her waist, guiding her up to the counter so that she can order the sundae she always got and the ice cream I didn't want. But there was no telling Meg no, especially when it came to something she loved as much as ice cream. It's also another reason why I haven't ended this relationship yet - she wouldn't take no for an answer, even if I tried.

With our ice cream, Meg led me over to one of the small tables outside. I don't know why she chose out here, since the sun had gone down an hour ago and a cold breeze was coming in. I knew that I'd be losing my sweatshirt within the next ten minutes. It just wasn't fair.

Meg started talking about whatever gossip was buzzing among her friend group while I pretended to listen. I was watching as she kept taking bites of her sundae, and I saw the moment she accidentally knocked the cup over onto the table.

I immediately stood up to get some napkins. It was going to be a long night.

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