Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Next Morning

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[Mature Content]

I woke up laying on Andy. His arms were loosely wrapped around me and, honestly, I was super comfortable in this position. I didn't really want to move.

"I thought you said no cuddling," Andy said softly, but making no move to kick me off him.

"Maybe I lied."

"And what about the rest of what you said last night? Were those all lies too?"

I sighed and moved off of him to look him in the eyes. I remembered everything from last night, unfortunately. "No," I admitted, knowing there was no was no going back anymore.

He smirked. "So you hate me, is that it?"

I laughed a bit, shaking my head. "I thought I made my point pretty clear, but then again, how clear did it really sound to you? I hate what you do to me, Andy."

He leaned onto his arm to face me better. "Oh? And what do I do to you, exactly?"

My breath caught in my throat as our eyes locked. "Everything," I managed to whisper.

I closed the distance between us, pressing my lips against his. This time, unlike last night, Andy kissed me back.

He put his hand behind my neck, pulling me closer to him. I let out a small groan, opening my mouth for him. This felt even better than the first time I kissed him. Way better.

I let my hand slid along his chest. His bare chest. I hadn't realized before that he wasn't wearing a shirt. I had been sleeping on his bare chest all night. The thought turned me on even more than I already was.

Andy let out a soft sigh as my fingers traced over his nipple. It was the best sound I've ever heard anyone make before. So I pushed him onto his back and took his nipple into my mouth, determined to get even more sounds like that out of him.

His hand was on the back of my head, his fingers running through my hair. Nobody has ever played with my hair like that before. I didn't want him to stop. Actually, I wanted a whole lot more.

I sat up, straddling Andy's lap. "I want to have sex with you," I blurted.

"Are you still drunk? Even a little bit?"

I shook my head. "I had been mostly sober by the time we got here last night. Definitely sober now. Andy, I want you more than I've ever wanted anything else before."

"Wait a second," he said, sitting up slightly and piling his pillows behind his back. "You were mostly sober last night, and yet you called my attractiveness 'evil'?"

I sighed and leaned down against him, pressing my lips to his neck, mostly to hide the blush that I was sure was covering my face. "Shut up and tell me how sex works with you, okay?"

"Well, it works just like normal sex. Do you want to top or bottom?"

I remembered what he said last night, about his ex. It was like it didn't bother him at all, that that had happened to him. But even if he was one hundred percent okay with me fucking him, that's not exactly what I wanted.

"Can you even top?" I asked, looking in his eyes. "I mean... I don't know, I've only ever bottomed for a guy and..." I sighed, not sure what I was trying to say anymore. This was embarrassing.

"You'd have to ride me, but yeah." He then pointed to his nightstand. "I have condoms and lube in the top draw, if you want to grab them for me."

I did, and also got rid of my shirt before crawling back over to Andy. "Are we really doing this?" I asked, suddenly not so sure. Everything in me wanted him, but he was still a guy, which I told myself I was never going to get involved with ever again.

"Only if you want to," he said. "I've been wanting this since I met you, to be honest."

I blushed again, but pulled the rest of my clothes off. I was too horny to stop anyway, no matter how much doubt was poking at the back of my mind.

Andy had taken the rest of his clothes off too, and I couldn't take my eyes off his member. It was true what they said about black dicks. I was started to regret my decision to ride him, and it wasn't even fully hard yet. The thing was huge

"Come here," Andy said, probably noticing my hesitation. "Sit on my face. I'll prepare you."

I did what he said and, within seconds, I felt his tongue buried in my hole. It felt so good. I almost felt like I could cum from just that. When he started putting his fingers in there too, I really did almost lose it.

"Okay, enough," I gasped out. "I need you now."

I turned around so that I was facing Andy again. He had a small grin on his face as he helped position his condom-covered and lubed-up self against my hole. I slowly lowered myself onto him, wincing at the pain it caused. He was really big.

Once he was all the way in, I didn't move. I couldn't, not yet, at least.

"You good?" he asked, his hands on my ass.

I nodded my head, my lower lip between my teeth. I didn't trust myself to talk right now.

What I did do, however, was lean over so that I was completely laying on top of Andy again. The pain lessened a bit in this position, so I slowly started moving my hips as I played with his nipples again.

"Fuck, yes," he moaned.

I don't know how much time passed of me touching him and fucking myself on him before I lifted my mouth off his skin just enough to say, "You feel so good." And it was true. I had finally gotten used to his size, and the pleasure was overwhelming. "I'm not going to last much longer."

"Then don't hold back."

I didn't. I released, spraying all over his chest, but I didn't care. Neither did he. As I came, so did he; I felt the condom fill up inside of me.

With a content sigh, I pulled myself off of him and rolled onto my back. "That was fucking amazing," I breathed, trying to control my heart rate.

Andy turned his head to look at me. I looked back, locking eyes with him. He really was beautiful, now that I've let myself actually look at him. "That was better than amazing."

I nodded my head before grabbing my phone to check the time. I honestly had no idea what time it actually was. To my surprise, it was already getting close to noon, which meant I needed to get home.

I sat up, reaching for my clothes on the floor. "I'm so sorry, Andy, but I need to go."


I sighed and looked back at him. "I have work this afternoon and I need to go home and change before I get there."

Andy nodded and I quickly finished getting dressed. Before I left, Andy spoke. "Don't disappear on me, Shawn," he said. "I don't want this being one time that you'll forget about as soon as you walk out that door."

I nodded my head. I don't think I'd ever be able to forget that.

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