Chapter Thirteen: Not Password Protected

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"Who's... Andy Williams?" Ivy asked from across the room.

I didn't look up from the video game I was playing. "What are you talking about?"

"Some guy texted you. Who is he?"

With a sigh, I paused my game and looked up at my sister. She, of course, had my phone in her hands. There was no point in trying to get her to put it down. It's not like I cared much about my phone anyway. "I have no idea. I don't know anyone named Andy."

I unpaused the game and continued playing. At some point, Ivy must have left the room, because she stopped talking to me. It was during that silent that I remembered I did know somebody named Andy.

I should go see what he wanted from me, since it had to be something. I can't imagine why else he would text me randomly. I haven't even seen him since he followed me around the store last week. I guess he could be texting to actually be my friend, but if he wanted to be my friend, he should know that I rarely answer my texts. It's not like I ignore people, it's that I tend to forget.

Which is exactly what I ended up doing.

It wasn't until the doorbell rang that I paused the game again. Meg had called me this morning to tell me she found some of my stuff in her room, so I knew she'd be over at some point to drop it off. It's why I didn't bother getting up from my game right away. She could wait a few more seconds.

But when I heard Ivy answer the door and it was a guy's voice that spoke, I got confused. Did she invite someone over? Shouldn't she have told me about this?

I paused my game and got up, since I couldn't see who was at the door from where I sat on the couch. I was ready to chew Ivy out for not telling me she invited a boy over, but when she stepped aside to let him in, I froze in my tracks.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked Andy. "Are you stalking me or something?"

"Don't be rude," Ivy said. "Isn't he your friend?"

That's when everything seemed to click into place. Andy had texted me earlier and I had forgotten about it. Ivy must have gone through my phone and texted him back. That little brat.

Andy was still sitting in his wheelchair, just outside the door. He was looking back and forth between me and Ivy, probably trying to figure out what was going on. Maybe he was even wondering how he'd get inside, considering there was a step in the doorway.

"I swear I'm not stalking you," Andy said. "I thought you said I could come over? Sent me your address and everything...?"

I sighed. "Yeah, no. First thing you should know about me: I rarely answer texts. Second: I have a bratty little sister who likes to answer them for me." When I said that last part, I glared at Ivy, who scurried away without another word. I really needed to put a password on my phone, but I was afraid I wouldn't remember what it was.

"If you don't want me to be here, I can leave."

"No," I said before my brain realized what I was saying. "You came all the way out here, might as well stay."

Andy smiled. "Great. Now are you going to invite me in, or what?"

"Uh..." I gestured towards the little step that separated us. "Can you even get inside?"

He scoffed. "Oh, yeah. That's nothing."

I stepped back, ready to watch this happen. The moment was over in only a few seconds - like he said, he had wheeled himself up and over the step like - as he said - it was nothing. I wondered how long her's been in a chair, but I didn't want to ask.

"So..." he started, "what have you been up to today? I take it this is your day off?"

"Yeah." I headed back over to the couch. "I was just playing video games. I guess we can keep playing, if you want?"

He followed me, stopped right next to the couch, since there really wasn't anywhere else he could go. "I've never really played too many before. Is it difficult?"

I gaped at him. "How do you not play video games?" I grabbed the second controller and tossed it to him. "I'll show you."

He only shrugged as he easily caught the controller. This was my moment to shine. I haven't had anyone to play these games with in years. This was going to be fun.

And turned out to be better at it than he had led me to believe. I was struggling to find his character, who always managed to kill me before I got close. I hated snipers.

"You fucking bastard!" I cursed as Andy killed me again. "You gotta be cheating. That's just not fair."

He laughed. "I wouldn't even know how to cheat in this game. Maybe you're not as good as you thought you were after all."

Before I could come up with a response, the doorbell rang. I sighed, setting my controller down. This time, it had to be Meg. I still wasn't looking forward to seeing her again. I didn't want her to try getting us back together again.

"Sorry," I told Andy. "I need to get that."

Instead of making him move out of my way, I climbed over the back of the couch. It would have been a great move, if my foot didn't get caught on the cushion and I fell flat on my face.

I groaned, sitting up. Now my face hurt. Just what I needed.

Andy, unable to help himself, started laughing. Through his laughter, he managed to get out, "Are you okay?"

I nodded, getting to my feet. "Absolutely fine. I do that all time."

"Sure. I could have moved, you know."

I shrugged, heading for the door. "Too late now." Then I pulled open the door to find Meg standing there with a cardboard box with my name on it.

She didn't wait for me to say anything before she was walking inside. "This should be all of it, Shawn," she said, barely looking at me. "Are you sure you have nothing left of mine here? I can't seem to find my-" She dropped the box on the floor. I'm pretty sure I heard something break. "You told me you didn't like him," she said, her voice getting choked up. "But you lied! That's why you broke up with me! So you could be with him! You asshole!"

Without another word from either of us, Meg stormed out of my house.

I stood there, looking down at the box on my floor, trying not to look at Andy. I didn't know what to say to him. Meg just accused me of liking Andy, in front of him. It was not true.

This day just kept getting better and better.

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