Chapter Seven: An Old Friend and a New Start

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With a low grunt, I rolled myself off of Meg, exhausted. She immediately cuddled up into my side, running her fingers over my bare chest.

"I love you," she whispered.

I just nodded, placing a kiss on her forehead.

I had expected her to stay where she was, maybe even fall asleep so that I could sneak out. It wouldn't have been the first time it happened that way. Instead, she sat up, pulling the sheet up to cover herself as she stared down at me. "Why do you never say it back?" she asked.

"Say what back?"

"That you love me. Every time I tell you, you brush it off."

I sighed, sitting up as well. "I do say it, Meg. Maybe not as much as you do, but why does it matter? You know I do."

"You do what?"

"I love you."

I really hoped she couldn't tell I was lying. I did, at one point, love her. But things changed. I just didn't know how to tell her. I still cared about her, just not in the same way I used to. I didn't want to hurt her.

Thankfully, she didn't notice the lie. Meg moved closer to me, bringing her lips to mine. I kissed her back, but only for a moment.

"Shawn..." she whined. "Stay, please. You never stay."

I shook my head. "I have to go. You know that. Ivy's at home."

Meg climbed onto my lap. "She's old enough to take care of herself. Besides, I need you to keep taking care of me tonight."

I shifted her so that she was off my lap and stood up, taking the condom off me before grabbing my underwear off the floor. "I'm sorry, Meg. I really do need to go."

Just as I was pulling on my jeans, Meg reached out and grabbed hold of my arm. "Shawn. Talk to me. Please. I can tell something's bothering you."

I shook my head and pulled my shirt over my head. "There's just been a lot on my mind recently. Job stress. That's it."

She sighed, but accepted my pathetic attempt at an excuse. I was lucky she was as trusting as she was. "Okay. Text me when you get home?"

"Yeah." I leaned over and gave her a quick kiss before I left. "Love you."

That got her to smile. Sometimes I needed to lie to keep her happy. I hated it.

I didn't text her when I got home. She knew I wouldn't, plus she had probably already fallen asleep anyway. Ivy, on the other hand, was wide awake, still doing her homework on the kitchen table when I walked in.

"You know, it's getting late," I said, sitting down across from her. "Shouldn't that have been done earlier?"

She looked up at me. "You know, it's getting pretty late. Shouldn't you have been home earlier?"

I shook my head. "I'm an adult. You're a teenager. We have different rules."

"Only 'cause you made them yourself."

"That's not the point." I stood up. "Just... don't stay up too late."

Ivy rolled her eyes. "Yes, Father."


I was finally starting to get the hang of working the cash register. Day two was going a lot more smoothly than yesterday, which was a relief. I even managed to not mess up that wheelchair guy's order again. Andy. I was surprised to see him back here two days in a row, but I guess that just meant he was a regular customer. Diana was telling me yesterday about a few of them that were apparently real nutjobs.

I watched him for a moment as he went over to the same table he was at yesterday. I would almost say he liked habit - being a regular and having a set table he liked - but his food choices seem to say the opposite. For some reason, he intrigued me.

I shook my head, needing to focus. We had a line. "Can I help who's next?" I asked, looking at whoever was next.

He walked up to the counter with a little smile on his face. I haven't seen him in two years - since we graduated high school. What are the odds of running into him here, of all places?

"Sam?" I asked, still not convinced one of my old friends was standing in front of me.

He chuckled. "Hey, Shawn. It's been a while. How are you doing?"

"I'm... I'm doing good. Uh... how are you? How's... how's Ryan? You guys are still...?"

"Yeah, yeah. We're good. We're really good." He smiled, mostly to himself. "We're actually planning on moving in together soon. Sorry. I hope that doesn't bother you at all. I know it's weird between you two."

I sighed. "No, I'm sorry. He's happy with you, and that's all I could ask for. And I should apologize for how I treated you back then. It wasn't right."

He shook his head. "It was a long time ago. We were kids. It's okay."

I shouldn't have been surprised that he let it go so easily. This was Sam. He's always been like that, for as long as I've known him. I shouldn't blame him for stealing Ryan away from me back then, but part of me still hoped I had a chance. I'd give up everything for Ryan. At least, until today. Them moving in with each other was basically the step before marriage. I lost, which I should have accepted a long time ago.

"So what can I get you?" I asked, changing the subject.

His order was simple and I went through the transaction without any trouble. I was sort of proud of myself. I was definitely getting better.

As soon as I handed Sam his receipt, Andy's order was called.

"It'll be right out," I told Sam before grabbing the tray of food from the line cook. "But it was really good to see you. Tell Ryan... tell him I said hi."

He agreed and I hurried over to Andy and placed the tray in front of him, careful not to spill his drink this time. He was writing in a notebook again. I couldn't help but notice how perfect his handwriting was.

"Thank you," he said, looking up at me with a small smile. "No spilling today, right?"

I laughed. "Oh, I'm not planning on it."

He reached over and grabbed the cup. "I'm just gonna hold this anyway. You know, just in case. Don't want any getting on my homework, you know?"

"Can never be too careful. Enjoy."

I stepped back from the table, thankfully not kicking it today, and headed back over to the counter. Before I could get there, though, Sam stopped me.

"He's cute," Sam whispered to me. "He yours?"

"What? Andy? No." I shook my head, shocked that he would think such a thing. "He's just a customer. I have a girlfriend anyway."

Sam smirked. "Of course. So you're on a first name basis with all your customers? Flirt with all of them?"

I shook my head. "That wasn't flirting. That was like, the furthest thing from flirting, alright?"

Sam chuckled right as his name was called. He grabbed the paper bag off the counter behind me. "Keep telling yourself that, Shawn. I'll see you around." 

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