Chapter Twenty-Five: Too Much to Drink

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I checked the address Andy had sent me one more time before looking at the number on the building in front of me. This was it, the place of this party I said I'd come to.

Technically, the party started a few hours ago. I had to work, but I made sure to leave early. I don't know why I wanted to come so badly. Maybe because Andy had thought to invite me, of all people. 

I knocked on the door, suddenly feeling extremely awkward. I haven't been to any kind of party in over a year, and I had known most people at that last one. Here, I was only going to know Andy. Why did I even agree again?

The door opened and a guy was standing there, a crocked smile on his face. "Hey!" he cheered over the music. "I don't know you!"

I let out a small laugh, embarrassed. "Uh, Andy invited me? I'm Shawn?"

"Shawn! Right, come on in, dude."

He stepped out of the way to let me inside. We were standing in what was probably the living room, but all the furniture had been pushed off to the walls to make a sort of dance floor. Music was playing rather loudly - although it was surprisingly contained within the walls - and about ten or so people were dancing, almost all with typical red solo cups in their hands. Andy had told me costumes were optional, so I was glad I decided not to wear one when only a couple people seemed to have one on.

"Andy!" the guy who answered the door yelled. "Your boyfriend's here!"

I stared at the guy in shock. "Andy's not... we're not... he's not my boyfriend."

He wasn't listening to me though, taking a swig of his own cup. "Come on, he's probably in the kitchen."

I followed him around the dance floor and through a small doorway. The music was slightly quieter in here, and only Andy and a girl were here.

Andy smiled up at me when he saw me. "Hey, you made it!"

I was about to say something when the guy who had let me in slapped my back. "Found your boyfriend for you, dude." I wasn't sure whether he was talking to me or to Andy, but it really didn't matter. He immediately turned and walked back out into the living room.

"Sorry about him," Andy said. "When he's drunk, Joey likes to think every guy I talk to is my boyfriend."

"Oh." What did I even say to that? At least I knew Andy wasn't telling his friends that he and I were together.

He then gestured to the girl he had been talking to. "This is Alicia, one of Kat's many friends and the other person who lives here. I should go find Kat, speaking of. Have you two officially meet. If she's not already drunk."

He started heading for the living room, but stopped in the doorway to look at me. "Help yourself to a drink, if you want, Shawn. I'll be right back."

I immediately grabbed a cup and the first bottle of alcohol I saw. In seconds, I had a filled cup and was already knocking it back. I definitely needed that.

"Wow. Rough day?" the girl asked. Alicia.

I shrugged, then noticed the half-empty water bottle on the table next to her. "Either you have an amazing tolerance to vodka or you're not drinking."

She laughed. It was a cute laugh. She was cute. "Nah, I get to be the taxi driver tonight. No drinking for me."

I slid into the chair next to her. "Yeah? Well I'm walking. So I'm drinking."

"I can't see what Andy sees in you," Alicia said softly. "Sure, you got those green eyes he loves, but... I don't know. Sorry, I shouldn't have said anything."

I leaned closer to her, one elbow on the table. "It doesn't really matter what he sees in me," I said. "I'm not into guys. You, on the other hand..."

She smiled and leaned closer. "I'm not into guys either, hot shot, so good luck with whatever you're trying to do here."

I sighed and sat back in my chair. Well so much for that.

Andy came back before anything else could be said. "So, Kat's in the bathroom, throwing up. And Joey seems like he's on the verge of passing out. I took away his drink, but I don't know how much good that'll do now. Alicia, do you mind checking on Kat?"

She nodded and stood up. As soon as she left the room, I felt awkward that it was just me and Andy here.

"Too bad you couldn't have come earlier," Andy said. "The party was more fun before everyone had too much to drink."

"Yeah, well, at least I came, right?" I asked before downing the rest of my drink. "And I have a lot of catching up to do, apparently."

Andy stopped me before I could grab another bottle. "Maybe you should slow down."

I snatched up a different bottle and poured it into my cup. "You don't have to look after me. I'm fine. I've only had the one."

"You got here five minutes ago and you're already on your second. I don't want you ending up in the bathroom either, since I can't actually fit through the door to get you out of there."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever you say." I didn't listen to him, though.

But we did talk. Every once in a while, someone would come in for another drink or to just pass through. Some said hi to Andy, most didn't. I was starting to wonder if he knew many people here or not, but I didn't want to ask.

I was just finishing off my third drink when I really started feeling the alcohol. I was no longer thinking clearly, but I didn't care. I just couldn't shut up.

"My dad told me he knows that I'm bi," I admitted. "He's known for years and he's fine with it."

"You say that like it's a bad thing."

I shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not. He thinks I like you. Well, not you you, 'cause he doesn't know you. But someone. He thinks I like someone."

"Do you? Like someone, I mean."

I hesitated before nodding my head. "Yeah." Then I looked into his deep brown eyes. "A whole lot more than I should."

Andy cocked an eyebrow at me. "Oh really? And who is this person?"

"Oh, shut up." I then moved my chair closer to him, leaned forward to grab his collar and bring him closer to me, and kissed him.

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