Chapter Nineteen: Physical Contact

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My lips gently pressed against Andy's. I wasn't sure why I had suddenly had the urge to kiss him, but I was sorta glad I did.

His lips were so full and soft. I opened my mouth for him, letting his tongue slip in. The feeling of his tongue twirling around mine was better than anything I could have hoped for in this moment. I was even getting hard. I couldn't remember the last time I got hard this quick from just kissing.

The kiss was quickly turning into something much more intense, but I wasn't about to stop it. I even climbed onto his lap, earning a soft moan from him. This was the best kiss I've had in years, maybe even ever. This felt like the kiss I always imagined I'd share with Ryan.

But this wasn't Ryan. This was Andy. And Andy's dark hands were clutching my shirt tightly, holding me against his body as he kissed me back.

I finally broke the kiss, gasping for air. I smiled at the little grin on Andy's face. He really was cute.

"Feeling better?" he asked, that cocky grin still on his face.

I nodded a bit. I can't believe we just made out with each other, especially because he-

I threw myself off him and he stared at me. "Don't you have a boyfriend?" I asked from the opposite end of the couch. "Or whatever you want to call that guy you've been dating?"

He laughed. "If I did, I wouldn't have let you kiss me. I ended things with him. Now come here."


He reached a hand out to me. "Don't you want to continue where we left off? I was having a good time, I don't know about you."

My mind immediately went to places it shouldn't have, which I blamed on the semi I was sporting in my pants right now. "Can you even have sex?" I blurted. Then I blushed. "Sorry. I just mean with your..." I didn't know how to phrase it, but thankfully, he seemed to understand what I was getting at.

Andy laughed lightly. "I never said anything about having sex, but if that's what you want to do, then I am more than capable. Trust me."

I stood up, shaking my head. What was I doing? I shouldn't be making out with Andy, not when I was trying my hardest not to fall for him. I definitely shouldn't be thinking about having sex with him.

"I can't do this," I told him.

He sighed. "Are you afraid of your dad or yourself?" he asked. "Because I don't see any other reason why this can't happen. If that kiss said anything, it's that we at least have some chemistry between us. Why run from it? From me?"

He was right. Too right. There were so many reasons why I couldn't be with him, most of them coming from my own fears. I shouldn't care what others thought of me. Really, I didn't. Much.

But then there was also how I changed when I liked a guy. I knew how mean I could get to other people. I couldn't control that. I hated that it affected me like that all the time. I wished I was normal.

"How about," Andy said, "we put a movie on or something? Just hang out for a couple hours. I have a ton of horror movies, if that's your thing. Or something else?"

I sighed. A movie wouldn't be so bad, and it would allow me to stay here and not go home yet. And I definitely didn't want to be alone right now.

"Sure," I eventually said, nodding. "Horror sounds good."

Andy slid back into his chair with a smile. "Awesome. So I have a bunch here." He headed for the other side of the room, where there was a large bookshelf stretched across most of the wall. Half the shelves were filled with books, the other half had movies. "Pick whatever one you want. I've seen them all."

I didn't know much about horror movies, although I wasn't against watching them every now and then. Most of what Andy had in his collection, I had never heard of, so I randomly picked on that looked like it had to do with demons and possessions.

"Good choice," Andy said when I handed it to him. "I love this one." He then went over to dvd player to start the movie.

"Do want anything to eat? Drink?" Andy asked once the movie was set up.

"I would love some alcohol, honestly."

Andy let out a soft chuckle. "Well, I can tell you there's a liquor store down the street. It's the closest you're going to get to some around here. Sorry."

I sighed, sinking back into the couch. "Never mind then. I'm not even legally allowed to buy it yet. And I don't even have the extra money for it."

"You're not twenty-one?" he asked, getting back onto the couch, the remote for the tv in one hand. "I figured you were older than that."

I shook my head. "One more month."

"Huh." He didn't say anything else as he pressed play.

I watched him curiously, wondering how old he was. Obviously he was somewhere around my age, but I didn't know how old. It was weird that this hasn't come up before, but then again, how many real conversations have we ever had?

"Wait, what about you?" I asked. "How old are you?"

He looked over at me. "Just turned twenty-two a couple months ago."

Neither of said anything else as the movie started playing. I have to say, I was very into the movie, right from the start. It's probably why I didn't notice that I had moved over towards Andy a bit or that his arm was resting on the back of the couch behind my head.

It wasn't until the climax of the movie, when the main character was about to die, that I completely leaned into Andy's side. His arm wrapped around me, and I hated to admit how much I liked the contact.

I glanced up at him, only to notice that he was watching me instead of the movie. I couldn't help the blush that spread across my cheeks as I quickly looked away. I also sat up, letting his arm fall off my shoulder. I shouldn't be leaning on him like that.

"You okay?" Andy asked.

I nodded. "Yeah." Then I shook my head. "I should go."

"But the movie's not over. Are you sure?"

Standing up, I had to look away from him. He looked hurt that I wasn't going to stay longer, but I couldn't. "Sorry," I muttered, before grabbing my stuff and leaving his apartment.

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