Chapter Twenty-Eight: Gone off the Face of the Planet

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As of this morning, it had officially been one week since I had sex with Shawn. I hadn't heard anything from him for that entire week.

To put it lightly, I was pissed.

This was exactly what I told him he couldn't do to me. I have sent him a couple texts, but only after calling him a few times ended up with no calls back.

I didn't want to be that person who calls and texts repeatedly after a hookup, or even going as far as showing up at his work or - god forbid - his house trying to get in contact with him. Even if I was that kind of person, I had too much going on with schoolwork this week to be running all over the city trying to track Shawn down. Today was the first day I didn't have anything going on, but Kat convinced me to spend the day with her at her place.

Obviously, what happened between Shawn and me Sunday morning was the heat of the moment sort of thing for him. He didn't want anything to do with me afterwards. I should have known having him for as long as I did was more than I should have asked for.

I really thought he was changing.

"I told you he wasn't worth it," Kat said, walking back into her living room where I had been. "Yet you had to go sleep with him anyway."

I shook my head as she sat down on the couch. "I really liked him though," I said sadly. "He was different than anyone else."

"You'll find your Mr. Right, Ands," she said. "He's still out there. Or... you can call Lance again. I'm sure he'll give you another chance."

I scoffed at the idea. "Yeah, no thanks. That's never happening again."

"Oh, come on, Andy! I hate seeing you so upset. I'll find you a good boyfriend, I will."

I shook my head. "I don't need a boyfriend, Kat. I'm never going to find one that will love me like that anyway, so what's the point?"

Kat leaned on the armrest of the couch, getting close to me. "You need to stop hating on yourself, Williams," she said. "You are a wonderful person and if all those guys can't see that, then that's on them. But someone will. We just have to find him for you, okay?"

I shrugged. "It's not easy for me. I can check too many boxes off the discrimination checklist. Disabled. Black. Gay. People will always have their opinions and I can't change that. I was just dealt a bad hand at birth and now I'm paying for it."

Kat leaned her head on my shoulder. "Not everyone is like that. Lance isn't."

I shook my head, pushing her away from me. "Quit trying to set me back up with him. It's never going to happen, okay?"

There was a knock on the door at that moment, preventing her from continuing to try to convince me to go out with Lance again. Kat hurried over to the door and opened it, revealing her boyfriend in his pizza delivery outfit and holding two boxes of pizza.

"Someone order dinner?" Joey asked.

"No? What are you doing here?" Kat asked. "I thought you were working late?"

He laughed, stepping inside. "They overstaffed the place tonight, so I got sent home. And I figured you-" he pointed to me, "would be over, so I brought enough food for all of us. Alicia here too?"

Kat leaned up to press a kiss to Joey's lips. "You're the best," she said. "I know I'm hungry. I'm sure Andy's hungry, right Ands? I'll go tell Alicia. I don't think she's eaten yet."

I shook my head. "I should really get going. I have an essay due tomorrow that I haven't started yet."

"Andrew Williams," Kat said sternly. "We all know that you can write a long-ass paper the hour before it's due and still get an A on it. You're not going anywhere right now."

I sighed. "Fine. I'll stay to have one slice."

Kat cheered before rushing off through the kitchen, probably to tell Alicia to come out here. Joey placed the boxes of pizzas down on the coffee table before sprawling out on the couch.

"So when are you going to bring that guy around for us to officially meet?" Joey asked me. "I don't count the party. That was nuts."

I shook my head. "Don't think that's going to happen. I've reached out to him a couple times since Sunday, but I've gotten no response."

"Sucks, man. He seemed cool."

"You know you probably freaked him out, calling him my boyfriend like that." I knew that couldn't be true, since Shawn was more than willing to admit to liking me and having sex with me the next morning. He wouldn't have done that if Joey's words had truly freaked him out.

Joey just shrugged. I guess today wasn't the day to get him to stop saying that to guys when he's drunk.

Kat came rushing back into the room, followed by Alicia. I didn't particularly feel like socializing with all of them tonight, but I already tried leaving once. I knew I'd be stuck here for at least another hour, maybe more.

Alicia sat on the floor next to me, grabbing a plate and a slice of pizza. "What ever happened to not-straight boy?" she asked me. "Didn't you guys have sex? You gonna become a thing now?"

Why did everyone want to talk about Shawn today? And how did she even know? I had only told Kat that we had slept together. "Yeah, I don't know," I answered. "It's like he's disappeared off the face of the planet."

"Have you called him?"

"Yes. Called, texted. I just haven't shown up to the two places he might be at because I don't want to come off a stalkerish. I do actually want him to like me back, you know?"

"What two places?"

I reached for my own slice, one of the ones with vegetables on it. "His home and work. But that would be too creepy. I'd really scare him away."

"Where does he work?"

"You talking about Shawn?" Kat asked from across the room. "That fast food place, right? The one by campus. It's how they met and Andy fell madly in love with only one glance with that asshole. I never should have given you that giftcard, Ands."

I rolled my eyes, but couldn't tell her that me being in love with Shawn was definitely not true before Alicia was on her feet. "I'm suddenly feeling a burger. Anyone wanna join?"

"Alicia, don't!" I called after her as she hurried to put her shoes on.

But then my phone started ringing in my lap and I looked at it. Shawn was calling me. Finally.

I lifted up my phone. "I gotta take this. Nobody go anywhere." Then I quickly went outside, knowing I needed the extra privacy from their nosy ears. 

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