Chapter Thirty-One: Pivotal Life Moments

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His boyfriend? No. I couldn't date him. I've been telling him that since the beginning.

I can't believe he would say something like that.

"Andy..." I sighed, backing away from him a little. "I can't... do that. I've told you that before."

He was quiet for a moment before nodding. "Okay. Then we're not having sex. If you can't handle a relationship with me, then we can't be doing anything intimate with each other. As much as I like you, Shawn, I can't let you use me like that."

I didn't want to be the person that only wanted sex. Granted, he was really good, but I wasn't sure if it was worth dating him for. I also didn't like being accused of using him for sex. Was that really what I was doing? I guess I was, in a way.

"I'm sorry," I told him. "I feel terrible."

Andy didn't say anything, just went back to trying to find something to watch. I didn't really care what he put on. I probably wouldn't pay attention to it anyway. I was too lost in my own thoughts.

Really, what was the harm of dating Andy? He was nice, and funny, and attractive. I already knew the sex was amazing. And he's never judged me for the family issues I've dumped on him.

The only real problem is me. But what if what Andy had pointed out a couple weeks ago was right? I could change how I saw myself in a gay relationship. I didn't need to change how I treated other people just because I had a boyfriend. It might be difficult, but I'm sure it was probably possible.

"Andy?" I spoke up before I could change my mind.

He looked over at me. "Did you see something you wanted to watch? We can put on whatever you want."

I shook my head. "I'll be your boyfriend."

He dropped the remote and put his hand over his mouth. "Are you serious?" he asked. I could tell he was hiding a smile behind his hand. It was cute.

To answer him, I climbed onto his lap, facing him. Then I leaned over and pressed my lips gently against his. "Yes," I whispered. "I'm dead serious."

Andy kissed me, this kiss being more forceful. He held me closer to him, our chests touching. My hands were clutching his shirt, needing to be even closer to him.

At some point, Andy had reached down and unbuttoned my jeans. I only noticed when he pulled my erection out and began gently stroking it. I leaned my head on his shoulder with a moan. That felt so good.

"God, I want more," I moaned into his skin of his neck. "Just fuck me, Andy."

His kissed my jaw, continuing his slow strokes. "Patience, Shawn."

Before I could even try to convince him to pick up his pace even a little bit, there was a knock on the door. Andy stopped moving his hand and both of us looked at the door.

"If that's Kat, I swear..." Andy muttered to himself.

The knocking came again, more persistent this time. Whoever was at the door wasn't going away anytime soon.

I slid off of Andy's lap and reluctantly tucked myself back into my jeans. Whoever was at the door did not need to see that.

Andy started moving to get back into his chair, but I stood up. "Let me go tell them to go away," I said, making him stay where he was. There was no reason for him to go all the way over to the door just to come back to the couch for us to finish what we started in a minute.

I opened the door, expecting Andy's friend Kat, like he had said. Instead, I found my sister.

"Ivy?" I asked, very confused. "What the hell? How'd you even know this address?"

She looked like she had been crying as she shook her head. "I tracked your phone. But Shawn, listen. I wouldn't have done it if it wasn't major. This wasn't exactly a call you situation."

I glanced back at Andy. He was watching us. "Invite her in, Shawn," he said to me.

So I did. "What happened, Ivy?" I asked, closing the door behind her. "What did Mom do?"

My sister wiped at her eyes, which had started tearing up a bit. "She wants full custody of me."

I froze. No. She can't just do that, can she? Ivy had to have a choice in this.

"Shawn, I can't go with her," she said. "I want to stay here, finish high school with my friends, stay with you."

"Why?" I asked. "Why now?"

Ivy shrugged. "She said Dad wasn't a good enough parent and you obviously don't care about our family if you just leave like you did. I tried telling her that you just went to see your boyfriend, although I didn't actually use that word - I know you keep saying it's not true, but it should be. Anyway, she said that you should take care of your family first, so she wants to be a mother to me again to 'make sure I'm properly taken care of'."

I exhaled sharply, sitting down on the armrest of the couch next to Andy. Honestly, I had forgotten he was sitting right there, but I didn't know what to say to him right now. I didn't even know what to say to Ivy.

"That fucking hypocrite," I ended up saying. "I hate her."

"What does she actually have against you guys?" Andy asked from behind me. "To build her case, I mean. Sorry, both my parents are lawyers. I know a few things."

"It's probably mostly me," I said, turning a bit to face him. "And the fact that our Dad hasn't done anything. But he's trying again, she just doesn't like the idea of him needing therapy because of what she did to him."

"That's not going to hold up," Andy said, putting his hand on my thigh. I tensed at the contact, not expecting it. But somehow, I liked it there. "Not when she was the one who did cause that emotional damage after leaving the three of you. And frankly, Ivy, I'm pretty sure you're old enough to choose, or at least, your opinion will have more weight to a judge."

She sighed. "I hope so. And I'm really sorry to just show up like this. I didn't want to wait to tell Shawn and I didn't really know where else to go. I couldn't stay home any longer."

"No, it's completely okay," Andy said. "Are you hungry?" Then he tapped my leg with his finger and I looked down at him. "Is there still pizza in the kitchen or did you eat it all?"

I nodded. "Yeah, the veggie ones are left."

"Help yourself to the pizza, if you want it, Ivy. We were just about to watch a movie. You can stay and watch with us, if you wanted to."

I stood up to show Ivy to the kitchen, knowing she'd agree. Looks like my plans for the night just changed. 

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