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The car in front of me stopped short, so I had to slam on my breaks.

"Easy, there," Andy said from the passenger seat. "I would hope we'd all get there in one piece, dear."

I rolled my eyes. No matter how many times I've told him I hated pet names, he still loved to call me dear. "I don't see you offering to drive," I snapped. As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I regretted saying them. I knew he was physically unable to drive. I just hated being stuck in traffic.

Andy reached over and placed his hand on my thigh. "Hey, it's okay. Today is supposed to be a good day."

"Yeah, no fighting," Ivy said from the backseat. "You guys aren't supposed to fight."

I placed my hand on top of Andy's, which was still on my thigh. "I'm sorry," I told him, keeping my eyes on the line of cars in front of us. "I'm just stressed."

"Because of the traffic or because of today?"

I glanced at him. "Both?"

He chuckled, shaking his head. "There's nothing to worry about, okay? It's a day to celebrate, not stress over."

I nodded my head, but had to suddenly slam on my breaks again. Why couldn't people just drive normally?

"Jesus, Shawn!" Ivy shouted. "I swear, you drive worse than I do!"

"You didn't have to come with us!" I shot back, frustrated. "You could have come up with Dad."

"Well I didn't know there was going to be this much traffic, otherwise I would have. Besides, I didn't want to wait until tomorrow."

"Guys," Andy interrupted. "Please don't argue. We're almost there."

I glanced at the GPS and realized he was right. I needed to take the next exit. Letting go of Andy's hand on my leg, I switched lanes, then took the exit.

We have been waiting for this day for years. Andy was right - this was supposed to be a good day. There shouldn't be any fighting.

As soon as we were off the highway, I felt so much better. There was no more traffic and it took us only a matter of minutes before I was pulling into the driveway of our new home. The 'sold' sign was still proudly standing in the front yard.

"Welcome home, dear," Andy said to me as I turned off the car.

I didn't even mind the pet name this time, too excited to care. I leaned over and kissed him. "It's perfect."

I hurried out of the car to grab Andy's chair out of the trunk. He and I were finally moving in together and I couldn't be happier. After four years of dating, we finally got here.

Ivy had climbed out of my car with the cat carrier in hand and headed up to the house. Andy got me a cat for Christmas a few months ago, which was great except that he didn't realize my dad was very allergic to cats. So Ramsey had been staying in Andy's apartment with him. To be fair, though, I probably spent more time there than at home anyway, so it didn't make too much of a difference.

"This is perfect," I told Andy as he slid into his chair from the car. "I'm so happy."

"Me too."

I went back to the truck of the car to grab a box of stuff. Most of our stuff was coming up tomorrow, with my dad. We had hired a moving company to get everything else out of Andy's place, and Dad would be driving the truck. The only stuff we had with us today was the essentials that could fit into the car with us.

"Here, give me something," Andy said, coming up next to me.

I dug through the car until I found two bags, one stuffed with blankets and pillows, the other had some random left-over items in it. Then I hung them on the handles of his chair. "There. You're all set."

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