Chapter Thirty-Five: Under-Dressed Talk

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Andy's parents definitely intimidated me. They were nice enough, sure, but I still felt like they judged everything I did or said. I was just this poor kid their son happened to be going out with. How much of me could they really like?

According to Andy, they did like me. I guess it was hard to tell after a whole dinner of questions in an uncomfortable suit. The dinner wasn't even that filling. I ordered some fish dish and I was still rather hungry after I finished, but I wasn't about to admit that out loud.

I also felt like there was something off with Andy. He seemed a bit distant for most of the night. Actually, I think I noticed it after I had to admit my birthday. Was that what was bothering him so much? That I didn't tell him my birthday is tomorrow? But it also seemed like his mood got worse after we left the restaurant, probably not to let his parents know that I upset him so much. I hoped the sex helped - and the fact that we actually did have sex as soon as we got back here should have meant he wasn't too upset with me - but then he immediately went to take a shower after we finished and we haven't had a chance to talk yet.

I sighed and crawled out of his bed, pulling on a pair of his sweatpants I found in a draw. Then I crossed the hallway to gently knock on the bathroom door. "Hey, Andy?" I said through the door. I could hear the shower running. I don't know if he was even able to hear me.

"Yeah?" he called back. "You can come in, Shawn."

I slowly opened the door. Andy was sitting on his shower bench, turning off the water and pushing back the clear shower curtain. I paused for a second, watching him, having momentarily forgotten why I even came here. His wet, naked body was just too distracting.

"You just gonna stare?" he asked with a small laugh. "I know I'm hot, but..."

I shook my head. "No. I mean, yes, you are, but that's not why I came in here. Uh..." I ran my fingers through my hair nervously. Why was I nervous? "Are you okay? You seemed a bit... off. At dinner."

He nodded, grabbing his towel and wiping off his face. "Yeah, I'm fine. Are you?"

"I'm being serious. Is this about me not telling you when my birthday is? I'm sorry, Andy, but you know I've been busy working and with my dad and whatnot the last couple weeks. And really, how much does it really matter? Can't we just pretend it's just another day?"

Andy dropped the towel into his lap with a sigh. "It matters because you're my boyfriend, Shawn, and I care about you. And now, because I care about you and want to get you something, I have very little time to figure out the perfect birthday present for you. I don't care if you don't want anything. I want to get you something."

I leaned against the doorframe. "Fine. Get me a present, then. But it doesn't have to be by tomorrow. I'm sorry if I stressed you out with that tonight, and you couldn't enjoy seeing your parents again."

"That's not your fault. Well, the birthday thing is, but that's not why I didn't exactly have a good night." He paused for a second before continuing. "My mom told me - when you had gone to the bathroom - that they're not going to be around for Thanksgiving this year. They're going on a business trip out of the country at the end of the week. Won't be back until December."

He looked so sad when he said that. I felt bad that I made his bad mood out to be all about me when it clearly wasn't.

"Oh, Andy..." I said softly, not exactly sure what else to say. "I'm so sorry."

He shook his head and pulled himself out of the shower and back into his chair. "Not your fault, Shawn," he said. "I just haven't ever spent a holiday without both of them before, you know? I don't know what to think."

I sat on the toilet seat and took both his hands in mine. "I know it won't be the same, but you can come over my place for Thanksgiving. We're probably not going to be doing much of anything, but at least you won't be alone."

He gave me a small smile, lightly squeezing my hands. "Thank you." The he poked, tracing out the first couple letters of his college's name that was stitched into the pant leg. "Nice pants."

I smiled. "Thanks. They're a little loose on me, though, but maybe that's because I'm not wearing underwear."

Andy gave me a look. "Don't tempt me like that. I literally just showered after the mess you just made on me. I can't be getting dirty again tonight. I have class in the morning."

I sighed. "Yeah, I know. It's getting late anyway. I should get home."

"Are you sure? You know you can spend the night. It's okay if you do."

I shook my head. "It's surprisingly hard to say no to you when you're sitting in front of me naked, but I do need to get home. Besides, you just said yourself that you have class in the morning."

"Doesn't mean you have to leave."

I leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to the side of his mouth. "Yeah, it does. But I'll see you soon, though, so don't miss me too much." I stood up. "I'm keeping the pants, by the way."

He laughed. "They look better on you than me. Also, I want to see you tomorrow. Do you want to come by after my classes are done? I'll make you a nice lunch for your birthday."

I smiled. "Yeah, sure. As long as it not some super healthy bullshit."

Andy laughed again. "You'll like it. I promise."

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