Chapter Nine: When the Truth Comes Out

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"They seem... nice," Meg said as we started walking down the street away from the coffee shop.

"You sound... hesitant," I said, copying her tone.

Even without looking at me, I could tell she rolled her eyes. "I'm just saying, for someone you recently met at work, why haven't I heard about him? And he works with you?"

"No. He was a customer. I messed up his order yesterday. I got it right today. We kinda laughed about it, but that's it."

She squeezed my hand and leaned further into me. "Okay..." she drawled. "All I'm saying is that even though he was out on a date with that hunk of guy, I don't think he wanted to be going out with him."

I stopped walking, making Meg stop too. "What?"

"He was checking you out, baby. I don't think I like guys looking at my man like that. You know?"

I laughed. "You're jealous." I almost wish she wasn't. Her being jealous meant two things: she really loved me and she saw Andy as a threat. Both of which, I didn't need confirmed.

She frowned, looking down at our clasped hands. "I know it's stupid. You'd never leave me, and definitely not for another guy, right?"


It bothered me that she didn't remember that I'm bisexual. I've told her it before - even told her all about Ryan and Patrick. Just because I also told her I never wanted to fall for another guy doesn't mean it can't happen. I didn't want to fall for another guy, because otherwise bad things will happen.

"Come on," Meg said, suddenly cheerful again as she started dragging me down the street. "There's this band playing on campus tonight. We need to hurry if we want to get there before they start."

"Wait, wait, wait," I started, stopping again. "You should go ahead. I... I need to get home."

Meg pouted. "But Shawn, you never stay out with me anymore! Do you not like me anymore or something?"

"What? No!" I hated lying, but I was getting better at it, surprisingly. "My dad has been getting worse - eating less and all that. I don't want to leave Ivy with him for too long, you know?"

She shook her head slowly. "I've been saying this for months, Shawn. You need to get him help. It's not fair that he's doing this to you and Ivy. You need to have a life that's not taking care of them."

"Oh, like spending time with you?"

I didn't mean to blurt that out. I felt guilty as soon as the words registered in her head and her sad face came out. I hadn't wanted to break up with her just yet - definitely not in the middle of a sidewalk.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she demanded.

I led her off to the side, out of people's way. We didn't need so many people overhearing whatever was about to come next.

"Look, Meg..." I sighed. There was only one way out of this conversation and she was not going to be happy about it. But I knew lying to her to convince her that everything was still fine would only hurt her more in the end. "I'm really sorry to do this, but I think we need a break from each other."

"No! Shawn!" There were tears in the corners of her eyes. Oh no. "Is this because I said I was jealous? Is it something else I said? Or did?"

"No, Meg. It's not about you. I just have a lot going on and I can't keep a relationship going with it all. I'm sorry. I didn't want to tell you like this."

The tears were suddenly gone and she looked mad. "How long were you planning on breaking up with me?"

I shook my head. "It doesn't matter."

"Yes it does."

I sighed. "A few months now."

"A few months!" she exclaimed. "So all those times we had sex or when you told me you love me - it all meant nothing to you?"

I tried to calm her down, or at least to lower her voice. This is why I had wanted to do it when we were in a less public place. People were starting to stare. "I'm really sorry, Meg. I didn't know how to tell you. I do still care about you. I'm just... not in love with you anymore."

"This is about that guy back there, isn't it?" she asked. "You told me you weren't gay anymore, Shawn!"

I scoffed. "I never was gay! I told you that I was bisexual. I still am. Just because I told you I'd never look at another guy again doesn't mean it can't happen. Besides, I don't like Andy! I barely even know him!"

Meg let out an exasperated sigh before storming off. I guess that was that then. I wondered if I was ever going to get back the sweatshirts she had kept. Probably not.

I stared after her. I could tell she was mad. I knew she was going to be. But even though I had a feeling Meg was going to hate me forever, I felt like a weight had been lifted off of me. I was finally free. I didn't have her dragging me around with her anymore.

"Everything okay over here, man?"

I looked up to see a tall, muscular guy standing next to me. It took me a few seconds to realize he was the guy who was sitting with Andy back at the coffee shop. I glanced behind him, but Andy was nowhere in sight.

I shook my head. "Fuck off," I mumbled. I didn't want to talk to him, definitely not about this. Besides, I thought he was supposed to be on a date. Why was he out here, down the street from the coffee shop, alone?

"I was just asking, man, no need to be rude. I heard what you said to her."

I shook my head. "Stay out of my fucking business. I don't know you."

The guy nodded slowly before glancing through the glass doors of some shop we were standing outside of. In the next second, he pulled open the door and held it as Andy wheeled himself out with a small paper bag on his lap.

"Thank you," he said to his date. "So I got us both - oh, hello. We seem to keep running into each other."

I rolled my eyes and, without answering, turned and walked away. I couldn't deal with him right now, not after a day when two people have now accused me of liking him. I couldn't. I wouldn't let myself like him.

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