Chapter 47 - Toby

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Is there anyone that actually likes kale?

Because I'm pretty sure anyone who says they do is lying.

I shoved a fork full of the kale salad my mom made for dinner in my mouth, trying to ignore the dry, bitter, overly crunchy weed I was being forced to consume.

I had gotten home about an hour ago and immediately stripped out of the khaki jeans and button up shirt I had worn to church. I traded them out for some basketball shorts and a T-shirt. I was trying hard not to think about Faith because every time I did I started thinking about kissing her and soon after I'd be smiling like an idiot and then it'd only be a matter of time before my parents asked what was going on.

A chair scraped across the hardwood floor bringing my attention back to dinner. I looked up across the table, Stella sitting down.

"Sorry, I just wanted to finish up my flow." She announced, a devious smile on her face.

Her hazel eyes were staring holes through me causing my nerves to increase and Elijah's heart to start beating harder. She was about to do something. And I had a feeling it was going to be at my expense.

"How was it?" My mom asked.

"Good, I needed it. I was all tense." Stella drizzled some dressing on her salad, loading her fork but not eating it.

I had stopped eating all together, ready to defend, deny, or deflect whatever was about to come out of her mouth. I had to be prepared.

Her eyes met mine again, I didn't like the smile on her face or the way one of her eyebrows were lifted slightly higher like she already knew what was going to happen.

"So Toby." She said, her voice far too happy for it to end well for me. "How was church?"

And there it was.

I hadn't told my parents I was going to church. I thought that if I just pretended like I didn't go, Stella wouldn't ask, my parents wouldn't ask and life would move on. I should have known better.

"You went to church?" My dad asked.

"I thought you were working." My mom commented.

I had everyone's attention, except for Eddy's who was laying across my feet underneath the table. I felt him sigh, like he felt as cornered as I did.

I shrugged. "I got invited."

"By who?"

"By a girl." Stella supplied.

She was lucky Eddy was on my feet. I wanted to kick her in the shins.

"A girl?" My mom asked.

The only one still eating was my dad and I knew he was only eating still so he could be done with the salad as quickly as possible. That was how he ate most of my mom's meals, quietly and fast. I had to give the man props, he never complained.

"Yeah." I said, not wanting to elaborate.

"Who is this girl? Have we met her?" She continued. "Did you go to school with her?

I glared at Stella who had a ridiculously satisfied smile on her face. She was annoying.

"I met her at The Grounds." I answered reluctantly.

I didn't want to be having this conversation. And Stella knew it.

"Since when have you gone there?" My dad asked, wiping his face with his napkin. He pushed his empty plate toward the center of the table a little.

"Lars and I checked it out a couple weeks ago."

"So what's her name?" My mom asked.

"Yeah Toby, what's her name?" Stella egged.

I shook my head slightly, she was impossible. I muttered "Faith" even though Stella very easily could have answered for me.

"You should invite her for dinner. We'd love to meet her." My mom said.

I knew my mom was genuine. And I knew my mom would love Faith, she didn't often dislike people. Stella was much the same way. And my dad would be his usual indifferent self when he met new people. It wasn't that he was unfriendly, he just kept his distance until he got to know someone. My hesitation at bringing Faith home completely resided in someone mentioning my transplant and giving me away.

"Maybe." I finally said as way of an answer.

It wasn't a yes but it wasn't a no and I knew it'd pacify my mom for the time being. Satisfied with my maybe she directed her attention on Stella and her summer class that had just started.

I went back to poking around my salad, occasionally mustering the strength to eat more kale. My dad shifted in his chair, leaning closer to me as he did.

"Are you going to go back to church?" He asked.

I looked up at him, meeting the same color eyes as my own. "I don't know, does it matter if I do?"

He nodded his head a little, I wasn't sure if it meant yes or not.

"Your grandparents would be rubbing it in my face right now if they were alive." He told me.

My Dad's mom died when I was in elementary school, my grandpa just a few years ago. Right around the time I was diagnosed. I wished I could say I knew him. That I missed him. But my dad and his dad didn't get along. I had met the man twice in my life. And other than his funeral, we never saw him.

I wasn't exactly sure what the riff was between them but it was enough to make my dad's green eyes harden at the mention of me.

"Well I only went once. I don't think that makes me religious." I said.

My dad laughed through his nose, a noise that sounded more bitter than anything.

"Eat your dinner." He ended the conversation there.

I watched as he stood from the table, his chair scrapping back against the hardwood. He took his plate in one hand, his other hand resting on my shoulder for a second as he passed.

"Invite your girl." He said, looking back at me as he leaned down to kiss the top of my Mom's head. "Dinner was great Marisa."

My mom beamed up at him. "I'm glad you liked it."

I wanted to belt out laughter as I looked across the table at Stella rolling her eyes. She knew just as much as I did that our dad hated the dinner. She caught me trying to hold my laughter in, sticking her tongue out at me.

One day I was going to get her back for all the shit she did to me. My time was coming for sure. I had to.


I'm going to see Kenny Chesney this weekend! And I'm pretty excited. The hubs and I also started kickboxing this week and I have never been so sore in my life! My arms hurt, my shoulders hurt, my quads hurt 😫! But I'm super pumped to go punch things again in a couple days. Hopefully I'll be recovered by then. -DBR

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