Chapter 19 - Toby

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I got wrapped my arms around Eddy, trying not to grunt as I hefted him into the truck. He really was fat and if he continued stealing picnics it was only going to be a matter of time before I couldn't lift him in my truck anymore. I brushed some of his hair off my green T-shirt, turning around to face Faith.

"I'm starving." I told her, checking the time on my phone. "Taco Bell is just a few minutes away. Want to go?"

It was incredibly less "first date" than I had planned but my stomach was growling and I knew whatever my mom had made for dinner wouldn't hit the spot. I also wasn't quite ready to leave Faith. The conversation all night had been casual. You know, what kind of music she listens too, what she likes do in her spare time, funny stories, how she met Tori. Things that were neutral. It wasn't like I could just jump in and start grilling her about her family.

She shifted on her feet, I'd noticed all night that most of her answers were slow to come and calculated, like she had to think through multiple options before answering me.

"Yeah but what are we going to do with Edward Cullen?" She asked.

I stepped out of the way of the passenger door of my truck, leaning back against the opened door. Eddy was sprawled out across the bench seat, on of his back legs still on the ground.

"He can sleep in the truck." I said.

I gestured to the open seat. Faith looked back to her car before climbing in. Eddy didn't even seem to notice when she shoved him over a little. I smiled, that damn dog was an awful wingman.

I had to slam the door to get it to shut all the way, the latches on the doors definitely left room for improvement.

"Sorry." I mumbled through the open window. "It's an old truck."

Faith smiled, it wasn't one of those light up her eyes type of smiles. She had only offered that type of smile up the first day I met her. I don't even remember what I said but she burst out laughing, her eyes alight and mischievous. Elijah's heart had practically exploded in my chest at the sight of it.

"I like it." I smiled back, she clearly knew the way to win me over.

I tapped my hands on the window, not ready to put Eddy between us. There was something about being near Faith. I don't know if it was the fact that Elijah's heart pounded away happily in my chest or if it was just that she was so easy going but I liked being close to her.

"Alright, lets do this." I mumbled more to myself.

I probably looked crazy standing there my hands on the window, not saying anything of importance but still lingering there. She probably was thinking I was nuts. Maybe that's where her hesitation came from. I shoved off the window, jamming my hands in my pockets to fish out my keys as I walked to the drivers side. I had to get a grip and stop being such a weirdo. I climbed into the side, Eddy readjusting himself so he could use my leg as a pillow. He was definitely taking up the majority of the seat but there was nothing I could do. He wasn't used to having a girl in the truck with us and his manners her obsolete. I pumped the peddle, my fingers gripped around the key as I turned it. The truck rattled as the engine coughed and spurted. I glanced over at Faith a little embarrassed.

"Old truck, she does it all the time." I reassured over the noise of my truck.

I stopped trying to crank the engine over, blowing out a breath. One more try. I glanced back at Faith, her grey eyes watching me with amused eyebrows. I shook my head, smiling as I started the process over again. The truck rattled and shook, the engine chugging but not fully turning over. I laughed a little, shaking my head in disbelief.

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