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I was getting ready to go to battle. Yes, battle. Were in the middle of a war between us and the blue moon pack. As long as your 18 or older, and healthy you can fight. I'm 17 but since my dad is the alpha I can join a year early. It took a lot of convincing though. "Ready?" My father asked. I get to lead the men and women with my father. Its pretty cool. "As ready as I can be" I said to him. "Then lets go." My mother said walking in. "We can't keep the pack waiting." We walked out to were the pack was. My father got ready to give his speech. "We have been at war with wolves for as long as we have been in existance. My father stood in this very spot and his father before that and his father before that. And one day I hope my daughter will stand hear to." I'm an only child and I will be the first woman to lead the packs. "I also hope that we can defeat these wolves before they can defeat us. So who's with me?" The cheered and shouted "I" Its a tradition, don't ask please. "Then lets go beat some wolf a**" My father loved to swear. Nomatter what he says he finds away to sneak a swear in somewere. It's bad, but I love him. We started walking and reached the wolves. My father stepped forward. So did there packs alpha. In case you didn't figure it out my fathers the alpha of our pack. We call are pack the Moon pack. Wich is why were going to battle. There pack is called the Blue Moon pack and they don't want a fox pack having a similar name to them. I persanly think its a pretty stupid reason to go to war. That's how wolves are though. I glanced over at a wolf who was staring at me. What's his deal? I think I'll attack him first. That'll teach him. My father yelled attack and I changed to my Fox. Were luck cause when we transform we don't shred our clothes. My fox if amazing it has the most beautiful orange fur.

  I charged at the wolf who was staring at me and tackled him to the ground

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I charged at the wolf who was staring at me and tackled him to the ground. He pushed me off and yelled "Stop!" seriously? This isn't a game where you can pause. This is war. Just as I was about to attack he yelled "Mate!" Everyone froze and stared at him. "What?" I said confused. I don't know much about mates. All I know is your suppose to be in love with them forever. Like a soulmate basically. I feel bad for whoever his mate is. Hopefully she's not a fox. That would be weird. I don't even think its aloud. "You" he said pointing at me. "Your my mate" No! I refuse to have a wolf as a mate. Maby its a lie. I don't think wolves would lie about that though. "I'm not a wolves mate" I said turning away from him. "Everyone! Wars over! My father yelled retreat back to the cave and don't disarm! I'll be there shortly." They all said "I Ser" while placing a hand on there forehead. "Same with you" The wolf alpha said" They all started walking back to there pack cave and I tried to follow my pack. Maby my father won't notice. Of course he did though and he stoped me. "Not you." he said. "Worth a try." I mumbled turning around and walking back. Soon it was only me, my parets, the alpha and Luna of the wolf pack, and the guy who claimed I was his mate. I really hope he made a mistake. "Sooo Mates?"

Hey! I hope you liked the first chapter. Do guys want me to make more? Just leave a comment. If you do then starting next week I'll post every Saturday. I will also post some times on random days. Ok, just know as I'm righting this I realised to day is Saturday. So if you want me to I'll post every Saturday then at random I'll post on a day that's not Saturday. Just let me know if you want to read more. Thank you! 💋

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