Were coming

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Hey guys! I'll just at right into the story. So, Enjoy! Also I'll update again later today to make up missing last weeks update. Thank you!

Rosalie's pov.

"M-m-marcus?" He smiled that evil smile again and said "Yes, did Alex tell you about me?" So he new Alex? He took me too get something from Alex. Doesn't he know he's in a coma. Well, I guess not. Only the packs and family know and I don't recall seeing him in Alex's pack. And I know for certain he's not in my pack. "N-no h-he didn't." His smile was instantly gone. "Hmmm. Well I guess it's cause he doesn't want his mate to know he's a murderer." I guess so... WAIT WHAT! ALEX KILLED SOMEBODY! "Wha-What?" There he goes again with that evil smile. Well I guess it's more of a sneer. "Well, not exactly." Few! "You see I trusted Alex. Trusted him to get my mate to safety. But he made one mistake that cost my mate her life." His mate!? I can't even imagine how hurt he must feel. He probably feels angry and betrayed to. I don't know what I would do if Alex died. "What did he do?" My voice was coming out as barely a wisper, but at least it wasn't shaking any more. He came and crouched infront of me. "He failed to check the area and as he and my mate were heading to safety she was killed. Do you know what it's like to belife your mate is finally safe only to find out soon later she's dead!? Well, of course you don't." He stood back up and turned around. I have a plan though. I'm going to make him belive we will come to a agreement. I will let him take you but just as you guys go to leave I'll shoot you." I froze. I don't want that to happen. "Then he will now exactly how I felt. Especially since your pregnant. Just like my mate was." Wait. How did he know that? He turned back around to face me. "I've been watching you for quite awhile. Waiting for the right moment. Then when I saw you leave the hospital and I knew the time couldn't be better. He just got you safe. Now your taken again." Jokes on him. Alex is in a coma. Looks like he won't be getting his revenge anytime soon. "But Alex is in a coma." He smirked and crouched down in front of me again. "That's were your wrong. Alex woke up just after you were taking. Luckly me right?" He laughed and stood up. He took out a note pad and pen. "Hmmmm.... Now what should we right? I know!" Something about this had me quizy. Maby it was the fact that I would be dead dead, who knows when, if thus plan of his works out. "Done! Let me read it to you and you tell me how it sounds ok?" I want to spit on his face but he's to far away.

"Dear Alex,

I have your little mate here with me know, as I'm righting this. You want to see her? Meet me where this started and we will talk about a deal. Till then!

Your freind,

Ps. Come alone

Alex's pov.

"So you all got the plan?" After reading the letter I thought of the perfect plan. I know where he means. The place of the crash. The place his mate died. After reading that letter I called my pack, read them the letter, and told them the plan. "I know the letter said come alone, but Marcus is seeking revenge for his lost mate. Who knows what he is planing. You will sneak around and hide in the trees. Any wrong move and don't hesitate to attack. We can't risk any thing. Understood?" We really can't. Its Rosy's life on the line. "Understood." They repeated. Don't worry Rosy. Were coming.

Understand now? Lol😂. Hope you liked this chapter.

Thank You!💋

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