Home at last

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Hey guys! So here's the next chapter. I'll I'm going to say is imagion Alex's pic. in slow motion. 


Alex pov. (Slow mo.)

10 seconds. I had 10 seconds to change the plan and complete it.
It seemed as if the world went in slow motion. Second 1, the plan came to me. Seconds 2, 3, 4, I told my men to attack. Secounds 5, and 6, my men came out with no hesitation. Seconds 7, and 8, 9, I watched as another group of men came out of the trees on the opposite side. Markus realised what was happening and without a seconds hesitation pulled out his gun. I realised then that I miss counted the seconds and only have one left. I grab Rosy and... *Bang*.

I watched as the battled around me sped up to normal pace. I looked at Rosy who had a hand over her mouth. To stunned to even blink. I realized then what happened. I grabbed her just as the gun was fired. The bulit just missed her by a hair. I felt relive wash over me when I remembered something. Markus. I looked over at him to see him fiddling with his gun, and cursing under his breath. Realization dawned on me. There was only one bullit. He looked up at me and dropped the gun. He began sprinting in the other direction and I immediately shifted. The fight began to slow down as my army was no match for Marcus's small army. I don't think he was expecting me to bring a army, let alone one that big. I caught up to him and lunged, landing on his back. My soilders surrounded us and I got of him. They handcuffed him and I told them to btmg him to the prisons. I turned and walked over to Rosy. She was still in shock about the whole situation. I opened my arms and she ran into them without hesitation. I kissed the top of her head and whispered "I won't ever let anyone take you away from me again. I promise." I felt her nod and new she was to shooken up to talk. "Lets go home" I said. My soldiers were already taking all the other ones to the cells. We got in the van and I was suddenly happy things would finally start going back to normal. We pulled up to the house and I noticed Rosy fell asleep against the window. I walked around the car and carefully opened the door, taking care not to wake her up. I picked her up and carried her inside. I brought he to our room and layed her on the bed. I took off her shoes and started getting ready for bed myself. I saw Rosy stir and she opened her eyes. I could tell she wasn't fully awake. "Alex?" she asked, and I found myself smiling at her. "Yes, Rosy?" she stayed silent for a while and just as I thought she had fallen back asleep she said "There's something you sould know." I climed into bed and pulled her tords me. Right before falling back into a deep sleep she murmered 3 words I was not expecting to hear, "I'm pregnant".

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Thank you💋

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