Getting to know eachother

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I hate this guy. He just walks in MY house and starts hugging me. "I don't even know your name." I say, trying to get him off me. "My names Alex." My plan didn't work because he's still hugging me. "You don't know my name though." This guy, Alex has no since of personal space. "Your mom told me your name, its Rosy." I really don't want a nick-name from him. "Rosalie." I correct him, hoping he gets the hint. He doesn't though. "Rosy is easier to say." just then our parents walk in the house. Maby they can get him to stop hugging me. "Rosalie" My mother says walking in with dad and Alex's parents. I think there his parents. "I see you met Alex." she says. She better get that smirk off her face. "Yes, and he won't stop hugging me." I was getting agervaded by this point. "I guess you found a new person to hug" Alex's dad said walking in. "Yep" he said. I hate this guy, I really do. "You know, he use to hug me all the time, ever since he was. Kid. Good luck." He said to me. Then Alex's mom walked in. "Alex! Let the poor girl breathe!" Thank You!. "But mom..." Alex protested. "No buts! We can leave now if you want" I think she will be the one wolf I like. If we ever battle ill spear her life. "Fine!" he said, letting me go. Yes! Whoever his mother is I like her. "Rosalie, I would like you to meet Luke and hanna, Alpha and Luna of the new moon pack. I see you already met there son Alex. I expect you be nice to him and show him around the house. Find him a room for while he's here, Unless you want him to sleep on the couch in your room." Why is my dad doing this to me? All I know is there's no way Alex is sleeping in my room. "Okay dad." I don't really know what else to say. "O and tomorrow were leaving to get to know his parents better. We will be gone for a few days but will call every night." I have to stay in this house ALONE with him for a few days! No way! "Dad!" I whine. "Don't dad me! Be nice to our guests and show Alex around." I can't belive this is happening to me! "Uggg Fine" I stopped out of there, Alex following me with a big grin on his face. I just want to wipe it right off. I walk into my room and flopped down face first onto my bed. "So this is your room." I forgot Alex was following me. I had no intention of showing him my room. Ever! "Your still here?" He still had a grin on. His face and it made me mad. "Yep" He put the bags his father gave him by the couch and flopped down on it, lying on his back. He put his hands behind his head and let out a dramatic sigh. NO! There is no way he's staying in MY room! "What are you doing?" I'm trying my hardest not to freak out. "Your dad said I can stay on the couch in your room." He's not staying in MY room on MY couch. "No! He said of I want you can. And I don't want you to. Come on I'll find you a room" I got up and when I did he jumped up and hugged me. "Thank you so much!" seriously, I think I can try and get along with this guy, but only if the hugging stops. "You've got to stop huging me. There's a such thing as personal space."
"I can't make any promises" He said letting me go. "Know were is my room?" Belive me when I say I tried to find him a room as far away from my as possible. Much to my luck though the only room available was right next to mine. "I guess this is your room then." I hated that his room was right by mine. "Can I ask you something?" What know? "What?"
"Do you hate me?" why would he think I hated him? Its true but why would he think that. "No, why?" I lied. "Because you tried to find me a room that was far from yours." Wow. He's good at reading people. "What?" I lied again. "I said tried, obviously it doesn't mean you succeeded." He has this huge smirk on his face that makes me hate him more. "Whatever." I grumble before walking back into my room. When I get inside my room Alex sneaks up behind me and pulls me against him in yet another hug. "Ugghh! I'm guessing your wolf is black with black eyes because your dark and evil. He chuckles and I want to pinch him. "No silly! Its grey with blue eyes." I didn't ask for him to tell me that. "Whatever. Can you please stop hugging me?" His hugging me is really getting annoying. "Nope."
"Not if your mother has anything to do about it." I'm honestly proud of my combact, but of course he finds away to shoot it down. "She won't be here for the next few days remember?" O boy. Its gunna be a long few days.     

Hey!!! The comments have been looking a little empty so I decided to ask a random question every chapter to keep the conversation flowing.
Random Question 1:
How do you like the book so far?

Ps. I can't wait a week to post so I'm changing my posting days to one chapter every 2 to 3 days. (I will post 2 chapters on Holidays or special ocations.)

Thank you!!!! 💋

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