Time jump 5 years

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Hey guys! Sorry, I forgot to post this yeasterday 😬😬😬
But on the bright side, Happy New Years. Can't believe tomorrow is the start of 2019. It's also the end of this book, I'm posting the epilogue next week. 😭😭😭 I can't belive it. But anyway,


Rosys pov.

"Noah! Don't you dare take a cookie. I told you to wait until after dinner". I go back to cutting the vegetables. It's been 5 years since we created this new pack. Coincidently, Noah, Alex and I's son, is 5 aswell. I turn around to see Noah. He two cookies, and hands one to his sister, Alice. She is 2. Alice looks over at me and Noah turns around to see me watching. I raise and eyebrow and Noah smiles innocently. He than yells "Run!" and books it out of the kitchen. Alice is about to follow, but not before saying "You can't be mad at Noie." She calls Noah, Noie, since she can't pronounce his name right, it's kind of cute. "And whys that?" I say raising my eyebrow again. I find myself doing that a lot lately. Alice smiles brightly before replying with "Cause, mommy. You said he can't gwab a cookie. He dwidnt. He gwabed two." She smiled bwightly. O no! I'm starting to speak like a toddler! I need a vacation. Anyway, she smiled brightly before trotting out the room, to go find her brother probably. There really close and I hope it stays that way. I go back to making dinner and a little while later I fell hands sneaking around my waist. It could only be one person.


I lean my head back and look up. I see a smiling Alex, which confirms my earlier guess. "Hey" I say softly. "How was the meeting?" Me and Alex run the pack together but I'm taking some time off to spend with the kids. "It was boring. I could think about was coming home." I chuckle at this. "Well you better go talk to the kids. There getting pretty wise". He raises an eyebrow. Well that's were I get it from! "O no. What did they do this time?" I tell him about the previous situation. To my surprise he bursts out laughing. "Sounds like you need a break" he chuckled. "Yea think?" He smiled and spinned me around to face him."I do. And....." He reaches into his pocket and puts down paper thing in my face. I read the words and gasp. "Were going on a cruise!?" He laughs at my reaction. "Yup. And the best part, No kids. I love them but, I need a break to." I roll my eyes at this. I do most the work here. I then realise something, were will the kids go. Then as if reading my mind he says "The kids can go to my parents. Or yours, doesn't really matter." I smile. "I think both the kids, and are parents would apreceated if for have the time they go to yours and the other have to mine." He smirked. "Thought you'd say that." I fill my eyes at this. "Course ya did." I mumbled. He still heared me cause he shook is head, laughing. "When do we leave?" I ask. He smiles and thinks for a second. "Next week." He replies. Plenty of time to see if our parents can watch them. "Wonderful!" I say with a huge grin, throughing my hands up to add effect. He chuckles and grins. "I love you." He says and smiles. I smirk. "I love you more." he rolls his eyes and scoffs. "Please!" he waves his hand dismissively. "That's not even possible." 

One more chapter left guys! 😃😭


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