I'll find you

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Hey guys! I know I said I would updated on Saturdays but if I'm being honest I forgot. Then when I remembered I didn't have the time. I'm super sorry. I feel really bad about not being consistent with my updates. Thank you to those of you who stick with me. Even though it may take me a while to update. Thanks! Enjoy!

Alex's pov.

Rosy was kidnapped. Again. I'm sitting on my bed trying to bring my self to open the letter sitting in my hand. I feel like its my fault. If I had just woken up sooner. The worse part is I just got her back. I have to find her. I will find her. I look at the letter again and take a deep breath. I slowly peel it open. Not wanting to rip the letter inside. I pull out the paper. Its folded into three sections so it fits in the envelope. I pull it out and read it.

Dear Alex,

Remember me? I bet you do. I also bet that I have something you want. Your precious mate. I waited and waited for the right time to strike. When I saw a perfect opportunity. You just rescued her. Now she's gone again. This way I am certain you will give me what I want.

More soon,


This was all part if some sick plan? How do they know. My name? Marcus? Where have I herd that before? "Alex?" My mother asks poking her head through the door. "Are you ok? Did you read it?" She has been on edge ever since the incident. Maby cause Rosy is my mate? I don't know. As she finishes reading I see her eyebrows furrow in confusion. "Marcus? I've heard that name somewere, but where?" she says this more to hershelf then me, but I answer anyway. "I thought the same thing it's so familiar but I can't place it. "Marcus... Marcus..... Hmmm." Where have I heard that name? Marcus? Then like lightning it hits me. Marcus Smith. "O, no!"

Rosalies pov.

They put a bag over my head and pushed me into a van. "Don't move or scream, or else." Part of me wanted to say 'Or else, what?'. Then the other side reminded me of the situation and I thought against it. Obviously that side has better judgement. I feel the van start moving and fight the urge to scream. I don't want to find out the 'Or else.' of the situation. After a long while the van stops. I feel the door open and someone grab my arm. I let out a whimper of pain but they don't seem to have heard me. That or they don't care. Most likely the second one. They drag me to different places I can't see. Reminder: bag on my head. Suddenly I'm pushed, rather ruffly I may add, into a chair. The bag is ruled of my head. I see the guy that brought me here. "Wait here" As he was doing that one of the other guys tied my hands behind my back and on the chair. He then tied my legs. Guess I don't have a choice now. The two guys leave and I see the door close and hear it lock. I look around the room. Its all cement. Cement walls and ceiling, cement floor, and cement door. Bascialy your stereo typical kidnapper room. I'm honestly surprised my chair isn't cement. Its your average wooden chair. Easy to break. Although the doors locked. If I break the chair there is no way I can get passed the doors before someone comes back. I don't wanna get caught trying to break out. Plus, I see security cameras on all for corners of this small square room. As I sit here. Literly waiting for something bad to happen. I come to a sad realisation. This is the second time I have been kidnapped in less than a year. What is it with peoe taking me against my will? I don't have that interesting of a life. Suddenly I hear a noise. A door unlocking. Here comes that something bad. The door opens and in walks a man. He's wearing your average suit. Doesn't look like a kidnapper. Well, looks can be deceiving. I don't know where it came from, but somehow I got the courage to speak. "Wh-who a-are you?" He let out a creepy chuckle and smiled. Not that normal, happy smile either. That creepy, scary smile that gives you nightmares. "Marcus. Marcus Smith."

Hey guys. Hope you liked it. And sorry again. That wasn't a good way to start the new updating scedual. Sorry again. I'll update on time next week.

Thank you! 💋

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