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Don't have much to say other than. 'I told you I would update next week.' Yes, this update is on time! It's a miracle! Lol😂. Enjoy!

Also, WARNING: This chapter is a little gory. Not that bad. It just mentions some things that may be found upsetting. 

"Drive faster!" she yells. He turns around and sees their getting close. Their shooting guns to. Pistols. "I'm trying." he yells turning around. Just as he does a other one of there black cars pulls out in front of them. He slams on the brake and they both go flying forward. They bang right into the car. The car that had been chasing them crashes into them from behind. It flys over them and lands upside down behind the side of the other car. He looks over at he's best friends mate. He had promised to get her to safety. She had angered some pretty dangerous men that won't stop till she or they are dead. They were on there way to a safe house. There approximately 10 miles away. About 20 or so miles away from the house when the men had found them. Yes he was putting his own life at risk, but it was worth it. He knew his best friend would do the same if and when his mate needed help as well. He hadn't found her yet, but he couldn't wait till he did. "You ok?" he asked the blonde sitting beside him. "Yes, just a little blood and a few scratches. I've had worse." That's a relife. "Good. We must hurry. No one came out yet wish means they must be dead. We can hide in the woods. He will here about this and come looking for you." She knew all to well this 'he' he is talking about. Her loving mate. She saw him just this morning but misses him like crazy. Just the thought of seeing him makes her happy. The thought he wants to make sure she's ok makes her even more happy. "Ok. We can hide in the woods over there. Its dark and wee get a good veiw of the crash site." They were on a paved road with woods surrounding them on both sides. "Lets go before more come. They will kill you first chance they get. We can't risk it" She couldn't speak, so she nodded in agreement. Just the thought of leaving this world without here mate makes her scared and sad. The worst of it is she's pregnant. Three months to be exact. He carefully exits the care and walks around. He opens her door and pulls her out. "Come on" He whispers. She walks ahead first with him trailing not so far behind. He sees him first. A wounded man close to death. He holds a gun pointing it at his target. "Watch out!" He yells running to her. But he's too late.                                           
Darkness takes her over as she falls to the ground. A bullet hole in her head. He gasps and turns to her murderer, just as he falls to the ground. Dead, himshelf. "Tania!?" He turns just as his best friend runs to the side of his mate. "What happened?" he looks at his friend to see him close too tears. He can't move. The previous events of the past few seconds to shocking for him to speak. "What happened!" he yells again, a tear sliding down his cheek. "H-he came out of nowhere! We were going to hide in the woods and wait for you. Then out of nowere he shoots his gun." he watches as his friend lets out a sob. Then turns to face him. "You promised to protect her!" his heart breaks at that moment for his friend. His mate just died. That's like your world being taking from you in one quick swoop. "There's nothing I could of done. I tried. I really did. I'm so sorry. I know there's nothing worth your forgiveness." but he wasn't listing to his freind. All he could think about was how he betrayed him. He promised to keep her safe. And where did she end up? Dead on the ground instead of safely in his arms. That is something that is unforgiving. "You should have checked the site before running right by it." Anger and Hurt were clear in his words. "I know." He ducked his head down. Nothing could explain how he felt at that moment. "Go. I don't need you now, or ever. You will regret this." He was angry, and planned for revenge. "Mar-" he tried to say but was cut off by his angry freind. "I said go! And don't you dare speak my name! I don't care how sorry you are I will never forgive you for this!" he looked down and turned away. Walking away he thought about how easy it was to make one mistake. And how that one mistake caused him to loose and distroy his best freind at the same time.

I know this may be confusing but it will all make since in the next chapter. This was just a background story. You'll understand later. I wasn't planning on it being a whole chapter, but that's how it turned out. Anyway, hope you enjoy! Thank you!💋

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