Trouble and saddness

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300 reads?????? I would like to thank everyone who is reading my book. I honestly had no idea this many people would read my book. Thank you all!!!

One week later:

   When that man came and told us our parents could be dead I couldn't belive it. I felt so scared and worried. That feeling only got worse when I found out that both my parents and Alex's were dead, I broke. I stayed in my room and cried for a week, barely eating or lisning to anything anyone said. That was my week. Wich leads me to know. I was sitting on my bed, I had just stoped crying and was was about to start again when Alex walk in. "Rosy, I think you should come with me to the office. You can help with the pack work, you are the Luna after all. I will also get you out of the house, and take your mind of things." He's right. I need to think of something, anything but what happened. I can't stop feeling guilty though, I didn't even get to say bye to them before they left for the hotel. The fire speed quickly and little was left standing. The wierd thing was that they never found there bodies. Although that was the case with many who died that day. "Rosy you coming? Or do you need some more time before dealing with pack business." I forgot he was here. I didn't even know if I wanted to or not. "I don't know." At least I was honest. Alex nodded his head, thinking. "Come on. It will help you." I guess I was going. I got up and followed him to the pack office. It was just a little room where we did paperwork. We had one of each pack. Right know we were heading to Alex's pack. We got there and not a second after we sat down some one knocked on the door. "Come in." Alex said. The door opened and in came the same soldier who told us the news of the fire. "Alpha, Luna?" That's going to take some getting used to. "Yes, what is it?" I had a feeling I wasn't going to like what he said next. Ever since the fire i've paid extra attention when I get those kind of feelings. "We got word that the fire was planned. It was caused by some rougs looking to weaken the pack. Were looking further into it know." I couldn't belive it. I have never heard of rougs hurting humans. Even if they targeted a wolf or fox, they never attack until they now for a fact no humans will be harmed. The only time the purposely harm a human is when there mated to a alpha or wolf. Everyone knows that hotel is filled with humans. I wonder what changed. "Ok, keep me posted. We need to know if this will become a bigger threat."    
"Yes Alpha." I will never get used to that.

Rosalie's pov.

    With all the stress right know I decided to go for a run. I don't have a fox. Unlike wolf's we don't have that other voice inside us. Now that I think about it i've never met Alex's wolf. I guess I'll ask him about that later. As I shift into my wolf I become grateful that we don't shred our cloths. I'm currently wearing my favioret outfit. As I run through the woods I watch as the trees pass by quickly, almost looking like a blur. I stop at a streem to catch my breath and get some water. I hear a crunch of a stick and immediately look in the direction it came from. Coming to the conclustion it was just some forest animal, I turned back to the stream.

Alex's pov.

  I was sitting at my desk finishing up some paper work when I got a mind-link from one of the warriors. 'Alpha we are under attack'  The first thing to pop on mind once he said that was Rosy. 'where is Rossalie?'  I mind-linked him back. 'I don't know. Some pack members say they saw her go into the woods for a run.' This isn't good. 'Ok. Prepare the soldiers.'
'Yes Alpha.' I have to warn Rosy.

Rosalie's pov.

I shifted back, hoping to enjoy the nice walk back through the woods. Just as I started back I got a mind-link from Alex saying we were under attack. Before I could shift back into a fox, someone grabed me. I tried to fight and scream but they put something over my mouth. I made the mistake of breathing in and all of a sudden everything goes black.

Alex's pov.

   Rosy never came back which worried me. I think i'm going to go search for her. The battle is over. It was quick. We lost no one and they lost 4. They left after a while. That's strange for rougs. Maby it was a distraction of some sort. My thoughts were confirmed when I got a mind-link from my beta. 'Alpha, they have Rosalie.'

Random Question: What should this random question be?

Thank you!💋

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