The contest

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Have fun readimg!!! 

"So this contest is easy." As Alex was explaining he was doing a great job of avoiding the rules and name of the challenge. "Just tell me already." I complained, Annoyed. "Fine. It's a smoothie challenge." Haha!! Little did he know I loved cooking and making drinks. I was also surprisingly good at it. Bring it on! "The rules are simple. We will take turns picking out 10 ingredients for a smoothie. Then 10 more that don't normally go in a smoothie. Then we wright them down on a piece of paper and put them in a bowl. We then take turns drawing 10 and those are our ingredients. We both also get to use milk. When were done the person with the best smoothie wins." This is easy. "I have one question thought." I raised my hand. "Yes." he said pointing at me. What is this school? "Do the ingredients have to be edible?" He paused for a minute as if thinking about by question carefully. "Yes, they do." there goes my idea of dirt. I raised my hand again "Yes?" I want to male this easier for me to win. "We should also be able to both use sugar." I have a plan. "Okay, then lets go." We went into the kitchen and pick the ingredients. Luckly we have two blenders. Just to my luck I had the worse ingredients ever.

Gummy worms
Salt & vinager chips
Pepper (the seasoning)
Green beans
Apple juice

That's seven out of ten bad items. That means Alex got all the good things. Ugghh. I looked at his ingredients and surly he did. Even the bad ingredients weren't that bad.

Srawberry ice-cream
Salt (now I can't switch his sugar with salt:( too bad for me)
Water melon (he thinks its a bad item but I'm not buying it.
Vanilla Yogurt
Frozen mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, and raseberries)

I think I just lost all hope of winning. We blended the smoothies and guess who lost? Me. Mine tasted horiable and I can't get the taste out of my mouth. "Ewwwww" I cried out. "The flavor is not coming out." Alex just sat there watching me trying to hold in a laugh. "Ugghh. Can you help me?" He is really getting on my nerves. "Okay. But I can only think of one thing that will help."
"Just tell me."
"Okay, it is....."
"Can you tell me yet?"
"Ice cream." I actually like the sound of that. Wait... We used it all in the smoothies. "I don't think there's any left."
"Then to the store!" he yelled and it hurt my ears. "Okay! Okay! Just stop yelling foxes have sensitive ears!" I screeched back. "Sorry. Lets go." I don't really want to be seen with a wolf, but the flavor still burns in my mouth. "Lets just get this over with." Hopefully on one notices he's a wolf.

Thank you!💋

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