Day 1 of Torture

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Hi! Please Read. I am posting this chapter in honor of my new cover. I made it with the wattpad cover app. You can download it for free on Google play. No this is not sposored. I just wanted to tell people how they can add a personal touch to there books. Also: Random question 2: Should I enter this story in the 2018 wattpad wattys? Thank you! Enjoy the chapter!

   "Rosy! Rosy wake up it's 12 o-clock." I woke up to Alex shaking me awake. So much for hoping yesterday was just another nightmare. "Did my parents leave yet?" I ask sleepily. "Yeah they left at 9:30 and said to wake you if your not up by 12. And guess what? Its 12." I look at my phone and its exactly 12. Seriously? What did he do wait for the clock to turn to 12 then wake me up. That's a little creepy. "Told you. They said to give you this note." I read the note and it just said that they will be back in a few days and that they love me. It also says to me nice to our guest. This is gunna be a long couple of days. I got up from bed and the first thing he does is pull me into a hug. This day is gunna be interesting. "How much are you going to hug me?"
"As much as I want. You are my mate." Why does he keep saying that. "Why do you think I'm your mate?"
"Cause I can feel it. Can't you?" One that's creepy two no. "No" He just stared at me. "Well, you are a fox. Maby You have to be kissed to feel it." No way I'm letting him kiss me. "No, I'm not kissing you."
"Why not." Why does he ask so many questions? "Because your a wolf." He doesn't get it does he? "So? Just cause I'm a wolf doesn't mean I'm a horrible person." Is he sure about that.
"Whatever." I'm getting board. "What do you want to do."
"So you do want to hang out with me?" He had a nother smirk on his face and I hate it when he smirks like that "No. I just can't invite anyone over when my parants aren't home and your the only one here." He look kind of disappointed. O well. Suddenly his face lit up and he smiled. "I know want we can do!" To be honest I'm kinda scared. "What?" I don't really want to know the answer juging by the look on his face. "A contest. If I win I get to hug you for as long as I want, whenever I want. And if you win I can't hug you. Both of these last until I leave." To be honest I'm really good at contest and not being hugged is tempting. I think I'll win anyway so lets do this! "Okay. What's the contest?"

Also the cover of this chapter is the old cover. Thank you!💋

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