A trip to the store

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We were walking through the store until we found the ice-cream and I grabbed a ben & jerry's rocky road. I love how they come in little pint size cups. Alex grabs Chocolate Nouget Crunch. Then as we were walking out I saw a familiar face. "Rose?" I looked up to see my best friend. At school. I don't have a best friend that I hang out with after school. "Tuck? Its so good to see you. How have you been?" I have him a hug. We graduated last month and I havn't seen any of my school friends since. "Good? You?" Me and tuck dated for a month but decide we were better as friends. We weren't each others mate so we knew it would never work out between us. Were both good with being friends though. "I've been great. I miss hang out with my bestie though"
"Same. I heard about the battle." This is so embarrassing. I wonder how many people know. Then as if reading my thoughts tuck replied "Everyone knows. Its the town gossip." Ugghh "don't worry though. I told them to mind there own business." Thank the moon and stars thus guy exists. I wish all guys would be more like this one. Before you ask, no. I don't still like him. Were just really good friends. Times like this make me wonder why I never hanged out with him after school. "Thanks tuck." I have him a hug. "Anything for my rose." And no, he doesn't like me. Like I said were really close friends. "Ahem" I turned around to see a very angry Alex. Honestly I forgot he was there. But that doesn't explain why he is so angry. Seriously. What's this guys deal? Then as if ready my thoughts like always. Tuck says "what's your deal, bro?" seriously why can't this guy be my mate instead. I don't like him like that, but I wouldn't mind. "Your my deal. And I'm not your bro." Alex wispers under his breath, but I still heard him. I think Tuck did to cause he said "Okay then, see ya rose." I'm going to have a long talk with Alex when we get home. "See ya." I said as Tuck walked away. I turned to Alex and he simply growled and said "Lets go." Honestly though, as pit by Tuck. What's his deal, bro? O no! It's happening! I'm spending way to much time with guys! I think I'm becoming one! I really need a girls night out. And fast! The whole car ride home was silent and once we walked through the door to the house and looked at Alex, who was still red from anger. "Whats up with you?" I was really getting tired of his attatued. "What's up with me? I can't believe you! You practically just flirted with someone right in front of me! I'm your mate! Not him!." his words surprised me. Is he really jealous right know? Jealous of my best friend!? "He's just a friend!" I can't believe him right know. "It seemed like more than that to me." He mumbled. "That's because it is! He's my bestest friend for crying out loud!" I swear I'm about to snap. "He has a nickname for you, and you hugged him willingly. You won't hug me willingly." is he serious right know. "Yes he has a nickname for me, but you do to. Allow I don't hug you willingly because I barley know you." He looked a little hurt my by words, but I'm to angry to care. "Your right. I don't know you, but I want to. Your my mate and I only have a nickname for you because I like you. I would do pretty much anything for you Rosalie. Can't you see that?" His voice was soft and calm. His words surprised me. He really felt this way? I didn't know what to say. He's honestly the kindest person I know. Even after I've been a jerk to him, he still likes me? On top of that he likes me as more than a friend. I don't know what to say to that. He pulled me into a hug and for once I didn't struggle in his arms. I actually hugged him back. Surprising right? But something about him just seemed different. "Rosy?" He ask in a soft tone. "Yes?" I think with time I can get used to go hugs. "Will you go out with me?" Any other time I would have said no to going out with a wolf, but something about this wolf was different. He wasn't at all like people have said wolf's were. He was nicer and total opposite from what I though he would be like. So, naturally, I said......

Sorry guys! Just thought it would be fun to add a little cliff hanger. You'll have to wait till I publish the next chapter. SORRY!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

What do you thing she will say? Leave a comment. 😂😂😂

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