A dream come true

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Hey guys! I don't really have much to say except:


Rosys pov.

It felt good to have things back to normal, or at least semi-normal. I'm still not used to this belly bump. I'm so happy to be back home. Me and Alex safe and unharmed. Speaking of Alex, her in a meeting right know. He's been going to a lot of pack meetings lately. He won't tell me what there about. He says it's a surprise. What is that even suppose to mean? Many it's these pregnancy hormones, but I feel like Alex is hiding something from me. Is that normal? I mean he's sneaking around, going to meetings and not telling me what there about. I just have a weird feeling about all this. Many it's just the pregnancy hormones, or the fact that I've been kidnapped twice. I don't know. I guess I'm just over exagerating, Alex would tell me if something were wrong, right? Maby I should just talk to him. Speaking of, there he is. "Alex? Is everything ok?" he came rushing to me panting. "There you are, can I ask you something?" What could he possibly want to ask me? "Yeah, anything." It took him a second, cause he was xetchung his breath. Had he been running? "I was just wondering if you wanted to go to dinner tonight? I mean, cause I know we haven't really spent much time together lately." Glad to know I'm not the only one who noticed. "Umm.. Sure?" It came out as mire of a question, well, oops. "Great! See you later Rosy." He gave me a quick kiss then left. Obviously in a hurry. I sighed. Well, at least we can talk during diner.

   I got ready for diner and was going to meet Alex by the front door. It's crazy how I had to buy a whole knew wordrobe cause nothing fit anymore. The belly is definitely not my favorite part of having a baby. Giving birth won't be either. (A/n I won't get into that. For all your sakes.) I walk down stairs and see Alex leaning by the door, waiting. He's texting on his phone, but puts it in his pocket when he sees me. "Ready?" I just nod. We get it the car and drive to the diner. After diner I thought we were going to go straight home. But instead Alex drives in a nother direction. "I though we were going home." Alex looks over at me, before looking back at the road. "You'll see." What's that soppose to mean. Suddenly we pull into a place that looks like a pack land. "Were are we?" I ask. I'm confused. It doesn't look like anyone's here. "First, promise not to interupt me till I'm done." I just nod my head. "This is our pack. It's why I've been so bussy. It's pack were both our kinds can live in peace. No fighting." I was speechless. This is why he has been so buessy? "I don't know what to say. You did all this for me?" he just nodded. "Thank you." I reached over and gave him a hug. "It's really nothing." we pulled away, and Alex continued explaining. "I already gathered a bunch if people who would like to join our pack. You'd be surprised how many people actually hate this fude." The crazy part though, I believed it. "Maby this will stop the fude. Not at first, but slowly. People will learn to live in peace." Alex just nodded, "Maby". It didn't matter at the moment though, this was definetly, a dream come true.

Guys! The books almost over. 😭
I know it wasn't that good, but ill feel sad when it's over. I only have a couple chapters left. And maby a few bonus chapters. Its so sad. 😢. I haven't finished a book before. So when I do finish. It will be a big accomplishment. I'm getting ahead if myself though. It's not over yet!

Thank you! 💋

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