Another battle

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Finaly! I know, I know. I'm sorry for not updating sooner. While reading and wrighting I have been getting a lot of headachs. Well, as it turns out, I needed glasses. But I got them Know, and, luckly for you guys I finished weighting all the chapters for this book. Now all I have to do is remember to a post every Saturday. Yay! 🙌😂


Alex's pov.

As I drove down the rode I knew all to well, I thought about Rosy. I had a million questions on my mind. Is she ok? Did he hurt her? What is his plan? Is he still mad? Of course he is! Is this some sick plan for revenge? I didn't know. As I stoped the car I saw them. Marcus had a gun pointed to my buitiful mates head. I got out of the car and started walking tords them. As I walked I thought over the plan once more in my head. My men had on a special calone that masks there sent. It was a gist from a witch that owed me a favor. Don't ask. As I reach them I see markus's evil smirk. "Finaly! I thought you weren't going to show." I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm. "You know me better them that Mark." he growelled at the nickname I gave him back when we were still friends. "Don't call me that." I rolled my eyes again. "You know I can't do that." he growled again and I cut him of before he could tell at me again. "Anyways, you know why I'm here." I locked eyes with Rosy. I couldn't quite place it, but something in her eyes felt off. "Right! Here, you can take her. I just wanted to prove a point." when he said this, he didn't sound angry, or sad. He just sounded liked Marcus. Like Mark. It made me miss the days when we were friends. He shoved Rosy tords me and I caught her on instinct. I steady her and looked at him in shock. It was that easy? He smiled at me, but something in his eyes wasn't right. I put my arm around Rosy and smiled back. Then my eye caught something shining in the moonlight. I glanced at it and saw a gun in Marck's left pocket. At first I thought it was normal to have a gun. This could have gone worse and he would need to defend himself. Then, as I went to turn around I caught a glimpse of his hand moving to be placed on the top of the gun. They way a cop does when there preparing to grab it and shoot. Then I froze for a mila second and it hit me. His plan came crashing tords me like a wave in the ocean. This changed everything, and I had to act fast.

I'm sorry! I keep making cliff hangers and then not posting updates for weeks, but know I really am finished all the chapters. I promise you all ill have an update next saturday!

Thank you💋

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