The rescue mission

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Hey guys I know I haven't updated in a few days and I'm sorry about that. Like I said before with school starting up within the next week I haven't had much time to wright. I know it's not an excuse but it's true. Also if I'm being completely honest, I don't know what to wright. When I started I only had the beginning and ending in mind. And know that I'm in the middle I don't know what to wright. I have a pretty good idea though and you'll have to wait and see. Not that anyone reads the authors notes anyway but. Enjoy!

Alex's pov.

We ran for what felt like hours, but was only like a few minutes. We reached a abandoned building. Why is it always an abandoned building of some sort in situations like these? Once we reach the doors I waste no time in kicking them down and making my way through the halls, following Rosalies amazing sent. I turned the corner and making my way to a door. I tried to open it. It was locked. That doesn't stop me though because I kicked down the door and made my way inside the room. That's when I saw her. She was chained to a wall with both are parents sitting next to her. Wait! Both are parents! There alive!? I was left speechless at the sight that was right infront of me.

Rosalies pov.

  I was talking to Alex and I's parents about how the packs have been doing when a familiar sent hits me. Alex? Someone tries to open the door, only to find it locked. Then out of nowhere someone kicks it down. Then I see a very confused Alex. "Alex!" that seems to have broke him of his trance. "Rosalie!" he shouts looking at me. Then he looks at his parents. "Mom?! Dad?!"
"Yes sweety come here!" he runs over and gives them a hug. "I thought you were dead!?" they explain what happened and he was just as shocked as I was. "Wow! I can't belive that! Well, anyway we should probably get out of here." He comes over to break the chains. I almost stop him but I realise that gold only burns fox. He breaks them open and we start to make it out of there. We make our way down the hall and, WOW! There were people fighting at every turn. I think this has just turned into a war. Just as we reach the door I here a familiar voice say "Were do you think your going?" O no.

Alex's pov.

We were almost out. I almost had my mate and are family safe. Just when we were reaching the door I had broken down earlier I heard some one say "Were do you think your going?" I guess I should prepare for a fight. "And who are you?" I say as I turn around and take a step forward. "Does it really matter? The point is your not going anywhere." Who is this guy? "Who are you to stop me?" He let out a low chuckle and said "Your worse nightmare." What? This isn't tv. "O really? Lets see about that. But first who are you really?" I'm not that good at comebacks. I guess he isn't eathier cause he replies "Name's Jack, but you can call me your death wish." At that I laugh and run to him. I jump up, transforming into my wolf, midair. I pull my claws out and...

To be continued.... 😂😂😂😂

Sorry guys! I just love cliff hangers. I just want to say thank you again to Constance_mac_ for the great new book cover. I absolutely love it! Thank you. The next chapter will be up soon, don't worry 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Thank you!💋

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